18 September 2019 - Slovenian power transmission system operator (TSO) ELES and electricity trader GEN-I have signed an agreement...
11 September 2019 - Slovenian energy Petrol has signed a memorandum with T Plus Group, Russia’s largest privately-owned heat...
10 September 2019 - Five EU countries including the UK, Germany, Greece, Poland, and Slovenia are looking to introduce...
04 September 2019 - Slovenia’s state power utility Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE) has appointed new top managers at two...
19 August 2019 - Slovenia-based KOLEKTOR ETRA has signed a EUR 6 million contract to supply 400 MVA 400/120...
15 August 2019 - Slovenia’s support payments for electricity produced from renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration (combined heat...
09 August 2019 - Slovenian transmission system operator (TSO) ELES has partnered with Renault for the first time as...
31 July 2019 - Five EU member states, including Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Poland, and Slovenia, are interested in getting...
15 July 2019 - Slovenia-headquartered energy service company Resalta is undertaking a lighting project in Stara Pazova, Serbia for...
20 June 2019 - In May, Malaysia joined China in banning waste imports, a move that will put more...
17 June 2019 - The European Energy Exchange (EEX) has registered the first trade in Slovenian power futures, as...
17 June 2019 - The Slovenian government has halted preparations to produce a national spatial plan (DPN) for the...
12 June 2019 - Slovenia’s HSE Group, which includes state power utility Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE), logged a EUR...
30 May 2019 - Slovenia’s Environmental Public Fund (Eco Fund or Eko Sklad) has issued a new call for...
27 May 2019 - Authors: Dunja Jandl (Partner) and Urša Jozelj (Associate) at CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz – Slovenian branch...
18 April 2019 - Slovenia’s support payments for electricity from renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration (combined heat and...