
Winners of the EUSEW Awards 2016

15 June 2016 - The winners of EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) Awards 2016 for innovative energy projects were...

Decision makers get acquainted with Pluto initiative

08 June 2016 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said it presented its innovative financing scheme in support of...

European Parliament hosts event about energy poverty

01 June 2016 - Sixty participants from institutions and organizations dealing with energy and social issues gathered at the...

Solar, wind gaining in competitiveness against conventional power

26 May 2016 - Due to significant political and economic support for renewable energy technologies in Germany, Spain and...

NGOs ask China to shift investment focus to green energy

05 May 2016 - Electric power projects with lignite in Southeastern Europe pose a significant threat to European Union’s...

Health costs of coal plants prompt policy rethink

18 March 2016 - A study quantified public health costs of polluted air from coal-fired power plants in Serbia,...

Strengthening capacities of SEE ministries responsible for energy efficiency

15 March 2016 - The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy Efficiency, under the auspices of...

Convening on best practices in energy efficiency in SEE countries

10 March 2016 - The Task Force on Energy Efficiency of the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of...

Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change With Vulnerability Assessment for the City of Belgrade

25 February 2016 - Project: Climate Change Adaptation in the Western Balkans (CCAWB) Component 5: Integration of adaptation to...

Understanding energy efficiency investments – a global perspective

25 February 2016 - By Qendresa Rugova, Burg Capital GmBH, Vienna This article is part of a series...

Balkan countries must manage floods, droughts together

28 January 2016 - There are cooperation and communication mechanisms missing between neighboring countries, in order to take into...

Innovations in planning for urban resilience and sustainability: Blue Green Dream

28 January 2016 - Prof. Čedo Maksimović PhD: Imperial College, London, UK, and Director of the Blue Green Global (BGG-Ltd)...

EC’s contracting parties to cap pollution from plants

07 January 2016 - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine submitted national emission reduction plans (NERPs) to...

UNDP publishes country snapshots on climate change

23 December 2015 - By Christoph S. Henrich, Sustainable Energy Consultant, Istanbul Regional Hub, United Nations Development Programme in Europe and...

Two-day forum with experts on sustainable energy

22 October 2015 - EEL Events gathered players from the energy industry at the 8th Balkan Energy Finance Forum...

New guide out for public policy on energy efficiency

21 October 2015 - The Society for Sustainable Development Design (DOOR), based in Zagreb, stated that a guidebook, called ’How...

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