North Macedonia

FEIT 1st university school in Macedonia to install rooftop PV systems

23 August 2018 - The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies...

EUR 2 million in grants to be disbursed for PV systems in 35 municipalities

21 August 2018 - Public buildings such as kindergartens, schools, municipal buildings, and other facilities in 35 municipalities will...

Macedonia to launch tendering for establishment of waste management system in East, North-East regions

17 August 2018 - Macedonia’s Ministry of Finance has announced an intention to launch tendering for the establishment of...

Government requests tendering to select universal electricity supplier and supplier of last resort

16 August 2018 - The Macedonian government has adopted a decision on launching a procedure to select the country’s...

Bids for two wastewater treatment plants to be sought as construction of four EU-funded facilities wraps up

19 July 2018 - The Macedonian Finance Ministry should invite bids by the end of 2018 for the construction...

Macedonia’s ELEM to shut down Oslomej coal-fired power plant

14 June 2018 - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s state-owned electricity producer ELEM has decided to shut down its...

Macedonia opens public debate on draft waste management, waste prevention plans

11 June 2018 - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has launched a public debate on the draft new...

Western Balkans to experience temperature increase of 4C by end of century - study

Western Balkans to experience temperature increase of 4C by end of century – study

08 June 2018 - Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) has published a Study on Climate Change in the Western Balkans,...


Macedonia adopts new energy law, transposes Third Energy Package

29 May 2018 - The Macedonian parliament has adopted a new energy law transposing the Third Energy Package in...

Solar PV thermal panel plant opens in Skopje

Solar PV, thermal panel plant opens in Skopje

28 May 2018 - PiKCELL Group, in partnership with Solar Power, has unveiled a plant to produce solar photovoltaic...

Macedonia, Bulgaria ink MoU to develop regulatory basis for day-ahead market coupling

22 May 2018 - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU)...

Paper: Valuing biodiversity assets through ecotourism in SEE – trans-boundary region of Sharr/ Korab-Koritnik/ Mavrovo mountain areas

14 May 2018 - The working paper “Valuing biodiversity assets through ecotourism in South-East Europe – A review of...

Macedonia to sign MoU with Bulgaria on coupling day-ahead markets

Macedonia to sign MoU with Bulgaria on coupling day-ahead markets

13 April 2018 - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s government (FYROM) has accepted the proposed text of a Memorandum...

Skopje subsidizing procurement of pellet stoves

Skopje subsidizing procurement of pellet stoves

12 April 2018 - The City of Skopje is offering subsidies to its residents for the procurement of pellet...

Government of Macedonia presented Draft Law on Energy

10 April 2018 - The Draft Law on Energy, which envisages full liberalization of the energy sector, will soon...

Macedonian climate change challenges and perspectives

29 March 2018 - Author: Nataša Markovska, Senior Researcher and Professor, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts The article...

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