Climate Change

EU phase in CO2 border tax CBAM end 2033 eliminates free carbon permits

EU to phase in CO2 border tax by end-2033, when it fully eliminates free carbon permits

20 December 2022 - The EU is set to fully phase out free carbon allowances for the industry four years after it implements the carbon border tax, CBAM, in its entirety

2030 energy climate targets energy community contracting parties

Energy Community sets individual 2030 energy, climate targets for contracting parties

19 December 2022 - The Energy Community has published targets for individual contracting parties for renewables, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy efficiency

tokyo solar panels 2025

Tokyo makes solar panels mandatory for new homes from 2025

15 December 2022 - Japan is the fifth largest emitter of CO2 in the world and has committed itself to make those emissions net zero by 2050

Energy Community adopts 60 9 emission reduction target 2030

Energy Community adopts 60.9% emission reduction target for 2030

15 December 2022 - The Energy Community Ministerial Council passed ambitious targets for renewables, greenhouse gas emission cuts and energy savings for 2030

Romania receives EUR 2.14 billion from Just Transition Fund

Romania to receive EUR 2.14 billion from Just Transition Fund

15 December 2022 - The funds were approved after the country adopted its Territorial Just Transition Plan, the basis for securing money from the JTF

EU reaches agreement on carbon border tax CBAM

EU reaches deal on carbon border tax

14 December 2022 - The application of carbon tax on imported commodities and electricity has been pushed back from January 1 to October 1, 2023

Slovenia prepares another capital injection for state-owned utility HSE

Slovenia prepares another capital injection for state-owned utility HSE

08 December 2022 - Slovenia is boosting the capital of its struggling power utility Holding Slovenske elektrarne with EUR 492 million

UK approves first coal mining project in more than three decades

UK approves first underground coal mining project in more than three decades

08 December 2022 - Environmentalists may turn to court to overturn the government's approval for the opening of a coking coal mine in northwest England

MEP Kokkalis EU penalize coal power Western Balkans CBAM

MEP Kokkalis: EU shouldn’t penalize coal power in Western Balkans while producing coal-fired electricity itself

06 December 2022 - Many EU member states are prioritizing energy security over decarbonization and reviving retired coal power plants, MEP Petros Kokkalis said

EU Energy Community support Serbia energy transition Várhelyi

EU, Energy Community extend support to Serbia in its energy transition

02 December 2022 - Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Đedović met with top officials from the European Union and Energy Community Secretariat

How much does Qatar World Cup cost in crude oil

How much does Qatar World Cup cost in crude oil

01 December 2022 - Qatar spent USD 220 billion for the World Cup. To cover the tournament's cost, the country will have to sell three billion barrels of oil.

euki call climate action

7th EUKI’s call for climate action project ideas is open – hurry up and apply

28 November 2022 - The European Climate Initiative (EUKI) has launched the seventh call to accelerate climate action in Europe

Liquid tree against air pollution in Belgrade

Liquid tree to combat air pollution in Belgrade

25 November 2022 - Liquid 3 is a photo-bioreactor with microalgae that cleans the air and serves as a bench in the Belgrade city centre

coal phaseout see region iea

Coal phaseout in SEE: countries have made pledges, but some are still silent

24 November 2022 - The list of 40 countries with the largest shares of coal-fired power plants in electricity production includes eight in this region

COP27: Deal on loss and damage fund saves climate conference from debacle

COP27: Deal on loss and damage fund saves climate conference from debacle

22 November 2022 - At COP27, delegates agreed to establish a fund to help the most vulnerable countries but failed to commit to phasing out all fossil fuels

Seven green ventures Clim@ Scaler accelerator program

Seven green ventures complete Clim@ Scaler accelerator program

21 November 2022 - The GGF and Rockstart held a closing event for the first edition of their Clim@ Scaler accelerator program

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