
Branislava Jovičić

The time we live in has challenged our generation with a major important task.  We are not entirely to be blamed for the condition the planet is in, but the responsibility certainly lies with us. It is why we all need to engage and unite in a common mission, and to achieve a synergy in action, reflection, and planning to create sustainable, smart and green solutions.

EBRD helps EPS restructuring only with strategic partner in

04 May 2015 - Blic newspaper said the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development had asked for 20% of...

Energy Community welcomes adoption of Third Package law

04 May 2015 - Energy Community Secretariat said it sincerely welcomes the Albanian Parliament’s adoption of a Third Energy...

International remedies for foreign investors in renewables

30 April 2015 - International investors who have suffered losses in the renewable energy sectors in Greece, Romania and...

Power generation permit for mini hydro plant switches hands

30 April 2015 - Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) gave the go-ahead for the power generation permit for 625...

EBRD may lend EUR 152 million to ČEZ Distribuţie

30 April 2015 - A senior loan of RON 675 million (EUR 152 million) to Romania’s ČEZ Distribuţie is...

Loan guarantees for equipment for renewables and efficiency

29 April 2015 - Guarantee Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina said it started a new line for the...

Coordination meeting focuses on renewables uptake

29 April 2015 - The two-day event ’Progress in the Promotion of Renewable Energy in the European Community’ took...

Infringement against five states for missing deadlines

29 April 2015 - The European Commission launched infringement procedures (reasoned opinion) against Romania, Austria, Croatia, Ireland and Latvia,...

Security cooperation initiative for Southeastern Europe

29 April 2015 - Transmission system operators of Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Montenegro have set up Southeastern Europe’s first...

Japanese CIS modules to power five solar power plants

29 April 2015 - Solar Frontier Europe, a subsidiary of the world’s largest CIS solutions provider, has signed a...

Minister confirms delay in electricity market liberalization

29 April 2015 - The government remains on the decision to delay the electricity market liberalization, economy minister Bekim...

Challenges to financing renewable energy projects in the Balkans

29 April 2015 - By Qendresa Rugova, Burg Capital GmBH, Vienna Global investment in renewable power has seen...

Biomass in the Western Balkans: Why don’t we use our wood biomass potentials?

29 April 2015 - By Vojislav Milijić, CEO of Foragrobio CC d. o. o. / president of Serbian National...

Heating market emerging, but needs policy support

29 April 2015 - Heinz Kopetz, World Bioenergy Association president In the Balkan countries and in Turkey the energy...

New Generation Power International announces joint venture

28 April 2015 - Global independent power producer New Generation Power International (NGPI), headquartered in the United States, announced...

Reforms, forest quality conversion needed for biomass suply

28 April 2015 - Official information from public sources about forests in Serbia, most importantly from the national inventory...

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