Photo: ENTSO-E
Transmission system operators from the Western Balkans agreed on the Joint Declaration on Regional Coordination. The declaration could speed up the coupling of their electricity markets with the power markets of European Union member states.
Transmission system operators of Energy Community contracting parties in the Western Balkans – Elektromreža Srbije (EMS), Crnogorski Elektroprenosni Sistem (CGES), MEPSO, Nezavisni Operator Sistema u Bosni i Hercegovini (NOSBiH) and Operatori i Sistemit të Transmetimit (OST), endorsed a historic Joint Declaration on Regional Coordination, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) said.
The meeting of TSOs of Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania, respectively, was held during ENTSO-E’s 15-year anniversary event.
The declaration was supported by all interconnected EU TSOs in South-East Europe, and it has also been discussed with KOSTT, the TSO of Kosovo*, which has been invited to adhere, according to ENTSO-E.
The declaration outlines a new cooperation framework for the Western Balkans TSOs within South-East Europe
The declaration, facilitated by ENTSO-E, outlines a new comprehensive cooperation framework for the Western Balkans TSOs within South-East Europe, the organization based in Brussels added.
All five TSOs agreed the proposal is the best possible solution that takes into account the needs and realities of all parts of South-East Europe, in line with EU and Energy Community legislation, according to ENTSO-E.
The proposal establishes technical and market organization in areas for the coordinated operation of the power system, and the trading and auction of electricity, by linking the Western Balkans TSOs with the already organized areas of Central and South-East Europe, ENTSO-E said.
According to the organization, the declaration will strengthen electricity security and market integration, establish new legal frameworks for seamless regional coordination and ensure effective capacity allocation, congestion management, revenue sharing.
ENTSO-E is confident that the proposal provides a realistic and shared path for the future of South-East Europe within the single European power system.
Lorkowski: The agreement between TSOs could unlock market coupling
Two days ago, speaking about the possibilities for exceptions from CBAM for electricity, Energy Community Secretariat Director Artur Lorkowski said the agreement between TSOs could unlock and speed up market coupling in the Western Balkans.
Market coupling is one of the conditions the contracting parties have to meet to achieve CBAM exemption. He said Western Balkans haven’t done much in the market coupling domain, however he expects TSOs in the region to back an agreement on market coupling.
According to Lorkowski, the agreement facilitated by ENTSO-E between the TSOs of the Western Balkans and their neighbors in the EU would include an alternative configuration proposal for approval in line with EU legislation.
Once approved, it would unlock the adherence of all stakeholders to the corporate agreements necessary for the contracting parties’ market coupling with the EU, he explained.
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