Balkans blackout June 21 two overhead lines tripped ENTSO-E

Balkans blackout on June 21 occurred after two overhead lines tripped – ENTSO-E

17 July 2024 - ENTSO-E said the cascading power failure of June 21 ensued amid outages of two overhead lines, of which the first is in Montenegro

Lignite plants getting pushed out of the market in the Balkans

Lignite power plants are pushed out of market in Balkans

30 May 2024 - PPC's brand new Ptolemaida 5 lignite plant was effectively pushed out of the market in May as uncompetitive

Renewable energy curtailments already surpassed 2023 levels in Greece

Renewable energy curtailments already surpassed 2023 levels in Greece

30 April 2024 - An unusually hot spring has weakened electricity demand and prices in Greece, while also increasing curtailments

EU adopts first-ever EU network code on cybersecurity for the electricity sector

EU adopts first-ever EU network code on cybersecurity for the electricity sector

13 March 2024 - The grid code will support a high, common level of cybersecurity for cross-border electricity flows in Europe

Green Aegean, North-South Balkan Corridor to be completed by mid 2030s

Green Aegean, North-South Balkan Corridor to be completed by mid 2030s

05 March 2024 - A few months after the Greek government started pushing for the Green Aegean Interconnector, ENTSO-E, published the route of the project

Kees van der Leun, Energy infrastructure in the North Sea, a time-sensitive international challenge

Energy infrastructure in the North Sea: a time-sensitive international challenge

29 January 2024 - Europe needs to achieve net-zero emissions in its energy system by the 2040s. The North Sea's contribution to this goal requires a coordinated global effort

Manousakis We need European power interconnection network

Manousakis: We need European power interconnection network

25 January 2024 - Power transmission corridors must take center stage in the public debate in Europe, IPTO's chief Manos Manousakis said, highlighting offshore wind plans


Serbia gets EUR 8.44 million to modernize hydropower plant Bistrica, produce study for Central Balkan Corridor

04 August 2023 - The Bistrica modernization and the construction of the Central Balkan Corridor will boost Serbia’s renewables and transmission capacities

ENTSO-E New Governance Team Appointed

ENTSO-E appoints new governance team

29 June 2023 - The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) elected the governance team, led by President Zbyněk Boldiš.

BEF-2023-Constantinescu Grid operators integrate hundreds gigawatts renewables Norela Constantinescu

Constantinescu: Grid operators working to integrate hundreds of gigawatts from renewables

25 May 2023 - The challenges in adding wind and solar farms to the electricity networks in Europe are being solved along the way as technology progresses

EU electricity market design reform temperate positive step

EU’s electricity market design reform deemed as temperate, positive step

17 March 2023 - In its usual manner, the European Commission has come up with middle-of-the-road solutions for its electricity market design reform

Albania Montenegro install another electricity interconnection

Albania, Montenegro agree to install another electricity interconnection

10 March 2023 - The TSOs of Albania and Montenegro – OST and CGES – plan to reconstruct a high-voltage power line and install another one

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