wind power

Two wind power projects Vlasic mountain Bosnia

Two wind power projects underway on Vlašić mountain in Bosnia

24 November 2023 - Wind power projects VP Energokul (200 MW) and VE Vlašić (50 MW) reemerged just a few days apart. Both sites are on the Vlašić mountain.

Manage your energy investment in Serbia smartly – ask our legal partners for the latest market insights

Manage your energy investment in Serbia smartly – ask our legal partners for the latest market insights

15 November 2023 - Serbia must quickly cut its dependence on coal, which is opening up opportunities for investments in a wide range of other technologies


Serbia’s EPS to buy electricity from Vetrozelena wind park, provide balancing services

03 November 2023 - Elektroprivreda Srbije agreed to purchase the output from the Vetrozelena wind park and assume balancing responsibility

Greece announces national programme for offshore wind energy, targets 4.9 GW in five regions

Greece announces offshore wind energy program, targets 4.9 GW by 2032

31 October 2023 - The draft offshore wind energy development program was presented today by HEREMA and the Ministry of Environment and Energy


EU corporate PPA market already at all-time annual high in 2023

30 October 2023 - By the end of the third quarter, 2023 was already the record year for the corporate power purchase agreement market in the EU


EU presents European Wind Power Action Plan to prop up industry

24 October 2023 - The European Commission urged for immediate action to recover the domestic wind power industry and facilitate its global expansion


Manage your energy investment in Slovenia smartly – ask our legal partners for the latest market insights

19 October 2023 - If you are looking to invest in an energy project in Slovenia, we invite you to submit any questions about the regulatory framework to CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz

Kosovo 150 MW wind power auction in 2024

Kosovo* to hold its first wind power auction in 2024

17 October 2023 - After the current pilot auction for solar power, Kosovo* is planning a competitive bidding process in 2024 for 150 MW of wind power


Bulgaria could add as much as 42 GW from wind outside protected areas

29 September 2023 - A study found that Bulgaria is expected to increase its total wind power capacity by...

Alcazar Energy fund acquires rights wind power Bijela Montenegro

Alcazar Energy fund acquires rights to wind power project Bijela in Montenegro

28 September 2023 - Luxembourg-based Alcazar Energy took over the Bijela wind farm project in Šavnik in Montenegro, of 118 MW


Green electricity corridor envisaged to run from Greece to Poland

27 September 2023 - A proposed corridor between Greece and Poland would carry solar power from the Balkans to northwestern Europe and wind power in the opposite direction


Eurelectric: Europe must attract unprecedented investments in grid expansion

22 September 2023 - After a period of historic hardship, the electricity sector in Europe showed several positive trends, according to Eurelectric.

Kolasin Call-for-land-lease-for-wind-park-project-issued-in-Montenegro

Call for land lease for wind park project issued in Montenegro

21 September 2023 - Energy 2 will likely bid for a lease of land in Kolašin in Montenegro for its Sinjajevina wind park project, as the government issued a call

Construction works start Bulgaria first hybrid power plant

Construction works start on Bulgaria’s first hybrid power plant

20 September 2023 - The Tenevo hybrid power plant, the first in Bulgaria, will consist of a solar and wind power plant and a battery storage system

EU fossil-fired power plants production at lowest levels since records began - Ember

EU fossil-fired power plant production slumps to all-time low – Ember

31 August 2023 - The first half of 2023 saw a collapse in electricity production from fossil fuels in the EU to a record low, think tank Ember said


Romanian renewables industry demands change in conditions for upcoming auctions

30 August 2023 - Renewable energy firms in Romania proposed changes in the CfD mechanism to the Ministry of Energy to reduce project development risks

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