solar power

Hidroelectrica massive investments stock market listing

Hidroelectrica preparing massive investments ahead of stock market listing

15 April 2022 - Hidroelectrica is looking to buy 2 GW in wind farm and solar power projects, and may build more hydropower plants on the Buzău

Wind solar PPA prices 27 5 Europe year over year

Wind, solar PPA prices jump 27.5% in Europe year over year

14 April 2022 - The wind and solar PPA index for 14 European countries rallied 8.6% in the first quarter and 27.5% year on year, to EUR 57 per MWh

IRENA World renewable electricity capacity surpassed 3 TW 2021

IRENA: World’s renewable electricity capacity surpassed 3 TW in 2021

13 April 2022 - Renewables accounted for 38.3% of global electricity generation capacity at the end of last year, IRENA said

Turkey 100 GW electricity generation capacity

Turkey becomes 6th country in Europe to reach 100 GW in electricity capacity

12 April 2022 - Turkey became the 14th country in the world to cross the 100 GW level in combined power plant capacity – most additions are from renewables.


Floating solar power plant in Albania repaired

11 April 2022 - Ocean Sun said it got its demonstrator floating solar power system at the Banja reservoir in Albania back online after a tornado severely damaged it

Turkey solar power auction 300 MW YEKA GES 4

Turkey completes solar power auction for 300 MW

11 April 2022 - Turkey held an auction for 300 MW in solar power within the YEKA GES-4, of 1 GW in total. Smart Güneş Teknolojileri was the lowest bidder.

Slovenia Prapretno biggest solar power plant

Slovenia inaugurates Prapretno, its biggest solar power plant

08 April 2022 - The Hrastnik municipality now hosts the largest solar power plant in Slovenia, and other projects are underway

North Macedonia 10 MW solar park former coal pit Oslomej

North Macedonia completes first solar park on abandoned coal pit

07 April 2022 - Prime Minister Dimitar Kovačevski inaugurated state-owned ESM's 10 MW solar power plant at the aging Oslomej coal complex

Hellenic Petroleum Europe biggest solar park two sided panels

Hellenic Petroleum inaugurates Europe’s biggest solar park with two-sided panels

06 April 2022 - Oil refiner Hellenic Petroleum put the largest solar park in Greece into operation while PM Mitsotakis said coal output must jump 50%

Greece biggest combined share wind solar electricity SEE

Greece has biggest combined share of wind, solar in electricity generation in SEE

04 April 2022 - Greece is eighth in the world by the share of wind and solar in electricity generation and Croatia came in seventh in the bioenergy section

Romania EUR 458 million grant scheme wind solar power

Romania launches EUR 458 million grant scheme for wind, solar power

01 April 2022 - Power producers in Romania have until May 31 to apply for a total of EUR 457.7 million in state support for wind and solar power plants

Ember Wind solar top 10% for first time global electricity output 2021

Ember: Wind, solar top 10% for first time in global electricity output in 2021

30 March 2022 - Wind and solar, the fastest-growing sources of electricity, reached a record share of 10.3% in supply last year, Ember found

Kosovo 70 MW solar thermal plant district heating Prishtina

Prishtina’s district heating company to build 70 MW solar thermal plant

26 March 2022 - Prishtina's municipal district heating firm Termokos will get 70 MW of heat in a solar project worth EUR 64 million

Investment in solar to facilitate decarbonization of Mostar-based Aluminij

Investment in solar to facilitate decarbonization of Mostar-based Aluminij

23 March 2022 - One of the largest electricity consumers in BiH is entering the process of decarbonization and transition to renewable energy sources

Turkish aluminum Tosyalı world biggest rooftop solar

Turkish aluminum producer Tosyalı launches world’s biggest rooftop solar project

23 March 2022 - In cooperation with Huawei and SolarAPEX, aluminum producer Tosyalı is building solar power systems of an overall 140 MW on roofs at all its facilities

Turkey grant 40 farmers solar power report

Turkey to grant 40% to farmers for solar power systems – report

18 March 2022 - The Turkish government will launch a support scheme for farmers who want to install solar power plants, according to a local media report

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