22 January 2021 - Serbia’s draft law on renewable energy sources, which introduces auctions and prosumers, is up for public consultation until February 9.
14 January 2021 - The country will offer the construction of solar power plants with installed capacity totaling 60 MW, which will be backed with premiums.
11 January 2021 - Turkey will launch 74 tendering procedures under the Renewable Energy Resource Zones (YEKA) in the next two months
05 January 2021 - State power utility EPBiH has adopted a three-year business plan that envisages investments of some EUR 850 million.
04 January 2021 - The Ministry of Mining and Energy has published the starting points for the upcoming draft law and invited the public to submit suggestions.
30 December 2020 - Company plans construction of three wind farms, a 30 MW solar power plant, geothermal and pumped storage projects.
30 December 2020 - It isn't mission impossible anymore to install solar panels and produce electricity for self-consumption.
21 December 2020 - The government has decided to increase the surcharge paid by consumers to fund renewable energy incentives from EUR 0.00079 per kWh to EUR 0.00371.
04 December 2020 - Decision makers can slow down or speed up the coal phase-out, but regardless of their action, the coal share is heading for a big drop.
16 November 2020 - The plan envisages cutting CO2 emissions by 38%, shutdown of coal-fired units and the construction of solar parks and gas-fired power plants.
02 November 2020 - Power utility Elektroprivreda Bosne i Hercegovine (EPBiH) wants to buy hydropower, solar and wind power...
26 October 2020 - Green Energy Cooperative (ZEZ) has launched the On the Sunny Side campaign for installing rooftop PV
21 October 2020 - Romania intends to install 6 GW in wind and solar power plants by 2030
25 September 2020 - North Macedonia will increase its efforts to speed up energy transition in order to increase...
17 September 2020 - Power utility Elektroprivreda Bosne i Hercegovine (EPBiH) plans to install solar power plants with an...
10 September 2020 - Energy transition has long become a reality all over the world, and this region is...