25 May 2022 - Two energy ministers met in Bucharest after a roundtable organized by the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation
23 May 2022 - The project is one of the most important investments in the energy sector of Serbia, with a planned capacity of 630 MW
18 May 2022 - The REPowerEU plan calls for investing an additional EUR 210 billion by 2027 and increasing the share of renewables fto 45% by 2030
12 May 2022 - Bojan Reščec told Balkan Green Energy News that despite administrative obstacles, RP Global would soon start new investments
10 May 2022 - A new energy policy is one of five key items on the country’s reform agenda, said President Aleksandar Vučić
26 April 2022 - The city has secured EUR 100,000 from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the solar power plants on the roofs of eight public buildings
12 April 2022 - Four renewable energy plants are planned to be installed at the exhausted coal mines in the aging REK Bitola energy complex
01 April 2022 - Premiums will be granted for solar power plants, wind farms, geothermal, biogas, and biomass power plants, as well as hydropower plants
23 March 2022 - The country’s solar capacity could be boosted by 170 percent, enough to power 6.9 million more homes
23 March 2022 - One of the largest electricity consumers in BiH is entering the process of decarbonization and transition to renewable energy sources
15 March 2022 - Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske will off-take electricity from the solar power plant at EUR 50 per MWh for a period of 25 years
11 March 2022 - Two consortiums plan to build two solar power plants in Sokolac, as authorities invite bids for a concession for two photovoltaic plants in Bugojno.
05 March 2022 - Almost all the remaining countries in this part of Europe said they would introduce auctions. So far they have been held in Albania, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia, Turkey
28 February 2022 - The European Commission has unveiled a EUR 3.2 billion investment package to support 21 transport, digital, climate and energy projects
21 February 2022 - Oil and gas company Petrol Group intends to invest EUR 17 in three solar power plants near the city of Knin
08 February 2022 - Ministry of Mining and Energy has prepared the document Energy Security of Serbia, with solutions for entire energy sector