25 January 2023 - Minister Fatih Dönmez said the share of renewables in primary energy consumption would reach 23.7% in 2035
23 January 2023 - New green energy production is the strategic commitment of the company, and it is confirmed by the Go Green Road plan
20 January 2023 - EIB's loan will enable PPC Renewables to build three solar power plants in the region of Kozani in northern Greece
19 January 2023 - The company intends to put online 600 MWp in 2024-2025, and is close to starting production at the 155 MW Rătești solar park
16 January 2023 - By tapping on its renewable energy potentials, Croatia could completely eliminate the need to buy electricity abroad.
09 January 2023 - The trend of installing batteries in Europe has been additionally fueled by the energy crisis and the impact of the war in Ukraine
04 January 2023 - The Parliament of Montenegro has adopted amendments to the Law on VAT and the Law on Planning and Construction
30 December 2022 - Elektropionir is building Serbia's first cooperative power plants, which suggest energy democratization in Serbia is possible
30 December 2022 - The first auction for providing incentives to producers of electricity from renewables is expected soon, with a 400 MW quota
30 December 2022 - Elektroprivreda BiH will produce 10% less electricity in coal-fired power plants than what it projected in the Electricity Balance from a few months ago
29 December 2022 - EPCG has published an international public call for the selection of domestic and foreign financial institutions
22 December 2022 - Building solar power plants at disused coal mines is one of the solutions to ensure a just transition in the Western Balkans
15 December 2022 - The overhaul of three generators at HPP Perućica is the second phase of a project to modernize EPCG’s oldest hydropower plant
13 December 2022 - The newspaper published the secret list of projects that Germany identified as important for the EU's geopolitical initiative Global Gate
09 December 2022 - The conference Citizen Energy Communities/Renewable Energy Communities in Sarajevo was organized by RESET and the Heinrich Böll Foundation
08 December 2022 - EPCG intends to set up a firm that will not produce steel but operate in the solar sector