solar power plants

BiH firms konjic cbam solar neretva sol

Firms in BiH plan joint solar power plant to avoid paying EU carbon border tax

05 April 2023 - The investors say they are aware carbon-free electricity would be required to keep exporting as CO2 emissions will be taxed

interenergo salonit anhovo solar energy

Interenergo to install another 1.5 MW in rooftop photovoltaics for cement maker Salonit Anhovo

27 March 2023 - Salonit plans to independently cover 40% of the electricity needs of its production facilities in 2025, from renewables

istria adritic sea energy independence offshore wind

Adriatic peninsula Istria intends to use offshore wind to achieve energy independence

27 March 2023 - Offshore wind farms are seen as the only significant source capable of ensuring the energy self-sufficiency of Istria

virtual power plants distributed production aggregators pandurevci nosbih

Virtual power plants emerge in BiH as seven aggregators pool 120 MW in total

24 March 2023 - The Independent System Operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina (NOSBiH) foresees an increase to 250 MW by the end of the year

re source croatia conference ppa contract

RE-Source Croatia conference: PPAs are tool for securing long term fixed electricity prices for firms

23 March 2023 - The conference was organized by the Renewable Energy Sources of Croatia association (OIEH) in cooperation with the EU RE-Source Platform

GIZ supports trainings for solar panel installers serbia

GIZ to organize training course for solar panel installers in Serbia

15 March 2023 - The number of trainees at the School Center of the Energy Net Academy in Kać is limited. All candidates must file applications.

EPCG to start production of constructions for solar power plants

Montenegro’s EPCG to start production of racking for solar power plants

08 March 2023 - Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG) recently took over the now defunct steelworks Željezara in Nikšić from Tosçelik


Renewables in EU countries in Balkans poised for bright future as 2021 revenues soar 30%

02 March 2023 - The renewables industry is the fastest-growing segment of the energy sector in the five EU member states in Southeast Europe

neoen agrisolar croatia

Neoen launches first agrisolar project in Croatia

23 February 2023 - Renewable energy company Neoen presented the first handbook on agrisolar in Croatia and launched a 10 MW project, the first in the country

solar wind china households electricity

Solar, wind power almost all households in China in 2022

20 February 2023 - Solar and wind power output last year jumped 21% to 1,190 TWh, China's National Energy Administration (NEA) announced

Republic of Srpska concessions solar petar djokic

Investors eye concessions in Republic of Srpska for 2,000 MW in solar power

10 February 2023 - Minister of Energy and Mining of the Republic of Srpska Petar Đokić is convinced the energy mix would change a lot over the next few years

Croatian Chamber of Commerce regulatory framework deadlock renewables investors seven years

Regulatory deadlock keeps renewables investors in Croatia on seven-year hold

08 February 2023 - new laws since 2021 haven’t changed a thing because bylaws are missing and new investments were halted, the chamber pointed out

solarpower europe report 2022

SolarPower Europe report – 2022, year when solar age truly began

07 February 2023 - Last year the European Union connected 41.4 GW of photovoltaic capacity to the grid, an all-time record 47% increase

Azerbaijan on good track to double gas exports to EU, start supply of green energy

Azerbaijan on track to double gas exports to EU, start green energy supply

06 February 2023 - The 9th ministerial meeting of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council in Baku brought together representatives from 16 states and the EU

Serbia opens door for batteries as solution for intermittency of renewables rajakovic nikola

Serbia opens door for batteries as solution for intermittency of renewables

04 February 2023 - We spoke with Professor Nikola Rajaković about proposed changes to the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources

croatia renewables energy approvals public call

Croatia launches public calls for 250 MW in solar, wind projects

31 January 2023 - An investor that gets an energy approval must pay the government EUR 6.6 per kW of the capacity of the planned power plant

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