Corporate power purchase agreements CMS feature

Corporate power purchase agreements – time to get ready!

14 May 2020 - Authors: Louise Dalton, Partner, CMS London; Ivan Gazdić, Partner, CMS Belgrade; Igor Đorđević, Attorney-at-Law, CMS...

CMS Belgrade Ivan Gazdic Igor Djordjevic feature

Are Serbian renewable energy projects in danger due to the state of emergency?

22 March 2020 - Authors: Ivan Gazdić, Partner and Igor Đorđević, Attorney-at-Law, CMS Belgrade On 15 March 2020, the state...

Refuse-derived fuel as an alternative to fossil fuels in Serbia

13 August 2019 - Authors: Igor Đorđević, Associate, and Ivan Gazdić, Head of Projects & Infrastructure, CMS Belgrade Given...
