International Energy Agency

IEA Coal power output rise 9 2021 all time high

IEA: Global coal power output to rise 9% in 2021 to all-time high

21 December 2021 - With electricity demand outpacing low-carbon supply and a spike in gas prices, coal power output is up 9% this year, at 10.35 PWh, IEA says


CWP Global enters Ukrainian market with acquisition of 73 MW wind project

07 September 2021 - CWP Global has acquired a 73 MW onshore wind project under development in Ukraine, entering one of Europe’s largest energy markets.

solar PV_king_electricity

IEA: Solar PV is to become “king” of power supply in decade ahead

15 October 2020 - Solar PV appears set for massive expansion, with a projected average growth rate at 13%...


Global Wind Day: Sweden’s Vattenfall to build world’s biggest offshore wind farm

12 June 2020 - Swedish state-owned multinational power company Vattenfall has made the final investment decision on building the...

Maja Pokrovac working from home in corona times April 2020

When shit hits the fan

08 April 2020 - Author: Maja Pokrovac, Managing Director at Renewable Energy Sources of Croatia (RES Croatia) Now it...

International Energy Agency hiring Head of the Energy Environment Division

16 November 2018 - The International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous body within the framework of the Organisation for...

Real time sun power to energize Serbia

22 November 2016 - By Mihailo Mihailović, independent energy consultant Decreasing our dependence on “pre-historic” solar energy stored in...

Understanding energy efficiency investments – a global perspective

25 February 2016 - By Qendresa Rugova, Burg Capital GmBH, Vienna This article is part of a series...

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