heat pumps

Sarajevo Canton greenlights introduction of heating pumps in district heating

Sarajevo Canton greenlights introduction of heating pumps in district heating

17 July 2023 - The Sarajevo Toplane - district heating project envisages two components that can be implemented in stages or simultaneously

Large scale heat pumps replace 75 Germany gas demand

Large-scale heat pumps can replace 75% of Germany’s gas demand

28 June 2023 - To achieve this, Germany would need to install 4 GW of new capacities a year by 2045, a study by Agora Energiewende finds

outlook IRENA green power capacity triple 2030 tackle climate change

IRENA: World’s green power capacity must triple by 2030 to tackle climate change

23 June 2023 - The energy transition is off track and each fraction of a degree in global warming can have far-reaching consequences, IRENA's outlook shows

BASF plans to build a heat pump as big as soccer field

BASF plans to build a heat pump as big as soccer field

05 May 2023 - Set on the path to becoming carbon neutral by 2050, the company will use waste heat to make steam for its production process

Belgrade Energy Forum 2023 leaders energy transition SEE

Belgrade Energy Forum 2023 is approaching – new speakers and sponsors revealed!

20 April 2023 - The great interest in the energy conference of the year, which is what many call BEF 2023, was confirmed by a record response from sponsors and institutional partners. To secure your spot, register by April 30.

robert habeck Fossil fuels for heating are dead end

Habeck: Fossil fuels for heating are dead end, not way to save

10 April 2023 - Germany is preparing a law on heating installations to transition from fossil fuels to renewables

solar pv heat pumps saving natural gas report

EU households with solar panels combined with heat pumps save up to 84%

13 March 2023 - Compared to homes reliant on gas heating and without solar panels, households in Germany, Spain, and Italy saved up to EU 3,700 last year

europe heat pump market 2022 record ehpa

Another record year for European heat pump market – sales soar 38%

22 February 2023 - Poland achieved the fastest expansion in Europe, 100%, followed by the Czech Republic's 99%. The Netherlands came in third, with 80%.

Slovenia DSO invites consumers to offer flexibility services elektro ljubljana

Slovenian power distribution firm invites consumers to offer flexibility services

21 February 2023 - Eligible to apply are consumers who use electricity, heat pumps, electric stoves to heat their homes, and can turn them off for a short time

serbia eu financial package energy crisis emanuele giaufret vucic

Serbia, EU sign agreement for EUR 165 million energy support package

14 February 2023 - The grants will be used for measures defined in the Government of Serbia's energy roadmap

sarajevo toplotne pumpe ebrd grejanje

Sarajevo to introduce heat pumps technology in district heating system

06 December 2022 - The initiative for a heat pump project is a joint effort of the City of Sarajevo and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

future of heat pumps iea report

IEA: Global energy crisis is driving surge in heat pumps

01 December 2022 - Sales of heat pumps will soar to record levels in the coming years as the energy crisis accelerated their deployment

Romanian city Bistrita equip educational institutions renewables

Romanian city of Bistriţa to equip educational institutions with renewables

08 November 2022 - Bistriţa decided to apply for European funds for a EUR 2.9 million project to equip educational institutions with renewable energy facilities


12 Mediterranean cities, organizations seek innovative solutions for harnessing marine energy

12 October 2021 - The projects include using seawater energy for heating and cooling, harnessing wave energy to generate electricity, and turning seaweed into biofuel.

Croatia offers EUR 12 million in subsidies for solar, geothermal, marine energy projects

Croatia offers EUR 12 million in subsidies for solar, geothermal, marine energy projects

21 September 2021 - Croatia has issued public calls for EUR 12 million in subsidies aimed at increasing the use of solar, geothermal, and marine energy.

Croatia subsidize heating cooling systems energy Adriatic Sea

Croatia to subsidize heating, cooling systems using energy from Adriatic Sea

26 August 2021 - Croatia is preparing its first subsidy program for heat pumps with seawater for heating and cooling. The technology could also be used near rivers and lakes.

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