17 July 2023 - The Sarajevo Toplane - district heating project envisages two components that can be implemented in stages or simultaneously
28 June 2023 - To achieve this, Germany would need to install 4 GW of new capacities a year by 2045, a study by Agora Energiewende finds
23 June 2023 - The energy transition is off track and each fraction of a degree in global warming can have far-reaching consequences, IRENA's outlook shows
05 May 2023 - Set on the path to becoming carbon neutral by 2050, the company will use waste heat to make steam for its production process
20 April 2023 - The great interest in the energy conference of the year, which is what many call BEF 2023, was confirmed by a record response from sponsors and institutional partners. To secure your spot, register by April 30.
10 April 2023 - Germany is preparing a law on heating installations to transition from fossil fuels to renewables
13 March 2023 - Compared to homes reliant on gas heating and without solar panels, households in Germany, Spain, and Italy saved up to EU 3,700 last year
22 February 2023 - Poland achieved the fastest expansion in Europe, 100%, followed by the Czech Republic's 99%. The Netherlands came in third, with 80%.
21 February 2023 - Eligible to apply are consumers who use electricity, heat pumps, electric stoves to heat their homes, and can turn them off for a short time
14 February 2023 - The grants will be used for measures defined in the Government of Serbia's energy roadmap
06 December 2022 - The initiative for a heat pump project is a joint effort of the City of Sarajevo and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
01 December 2022 - Sales of heat pumps will soar to record levels in the coming years as the energy crisis accelerated their deployment
08 November 2022 - Bistriţa decided to apply for European funds for a EUR 2.9 million project to equip educational institutions with renewable energy facilities
12 October 2021 - The projects include using seawater energy for heating and cooling, harnessing wave energy to generate electricity, and turning seaweed into biofuel.
21 September 2021 - Croatia has issued public calls for EUR 12 million in subsidies aimed at increasing the use of solar, geothermal, and marine energy.
26 August 2021 - Croatia is preparing its first subsidy program for heat pumps with seawater for heating and cooling. The technology could also be used near rivers and lakes.