Green for Growth Fund

clim@ winner Inspidere has solution for converting cow manure waste into bio-textiles, plastic, paper

24 September 2018 - After presenting all the other finalists of the clim@ competition for startups organized by the...

Solagro Smart Recycler targets consumers who lost faith in recycling system

10 September 2018 - A lack of a reliable and simple recycling system and unmotivated users result in a...

Effa creates eco-friendly disposable toothbrush to help beat plastic pollution

30 August 2018 - Now that a number of global coffee shop and restaurant chains have pledged a phase-out...

NÜWIEL’s electric-powered bike trailer brings sustainable mobility closer to your doorstep

20 August 2018 - Freight transportation in urban areas accounts for up to 21% of all CO2 emissions, while...

Biomyc develops biodegradable packaging solution to substitute polystyrene, protect oceans from pollution

09 August 2018 - The Expanded Polystyrene Foam (EPS), a type of plastic, is widely used in the packaging...

BEAD – Converting commercial properties into intelligent digital buildings saving energy, reducing emissions

20 July 2018 - Energy consumption in buildings currently accounts for over 40% of all energy consumed in Europe...

GGF Impact Stories: Improving energy efficiency in Montenegro

18 July 2018 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF), which was initiated as a public-private partnership in December...

Returns on green investments are down, but so are costs

11 July 2018 - On the sidelines of the Green for Growth Fund’s (GGF) recently held Sustainable Future Forum...

GGF Impact Stories: Greening Serbia’s energy mix

10 July 2018 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF), which was initiated as a public-private partnership in December...

Green for Growth Fund lends EUR 5 million more to Partner MCF to back energy efficiency measures

09 July 2018 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has secured a fresh, EUR 5 million loan to...

GGF Sustainable Future Forum calls for sustainable, innovative solutions, announces clim@ winners

29 June 2018 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) held its first Sustainable Future Forum in Frankfurt, Germany...


Green for Growth Fund selects 15 finalists for clim@ competition in Frankfurt

30 May 2018 - Green for Growth Fund (GGF) selected 15 finalists of the clim@ competition who will present...

250 applications submitted for clim@ competition

29 April 2018 - More than 250 applications from 80 countries were submitted for the clim@ competition. The deadline...

Belgium company Elicio completes Malibunar wind farm

18 October 2017 - Belgian utility’s project is prelude for nearby power generation facility of 21 Senvion units. Wind...

Small portion of public funds dedicated to upgrading buildings in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe 

02 October 2017 - Only 3 percent of the public funds that could be used to support energy-efficiency investments...

IFC, Unicredit, FMO and GGF provide loans for Elicio’s Alibunar wind farm

12 September 2017 - International Financial Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, will support the construction...

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