10 March 2021 - Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopač praised the reforms in Serbia but also stressed the prices of power for households must be increased
02 March 2021 - The draft Green City Action Plan and Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan of Belgrade include investments of EUR 5.2 billion until 2030
01 March 2021 - The ORSP movement will hold a protest if the Government of Serbia doesn't annul the license for the SHPP in Rakita village by March 7
26 February 2021 - While measures to cut emissions of pollutants are delayed, meteorological conditions are underpinning air pollution levels in Belgrade and Serbia
25 February 2021 - Burying power lines and temporarily shutting down wind turbines are among measures that can reduce the danger for birds and bats, IUCN says
22 February 2021 - Shpresa Loshaj from the Pishtarët movement said she would respond to a lawsuit by KelKos,...
18 February 2021 - Cement and other building materials offer the biggest potential as governments and investors are turning to CO2 utilization
15 February 2021 - KfW Development Bank approved a credit package of EUR 80.5 million and a EUR 2.4 million grant to North Macedonia for ESM's energy projects
11 February 2021 - The Energy Community Secretariat's Director Janez Kopač said it must start an infringement procedure in the case of TPP Pljevlja
11 February 2021 - Under fire for soliciting neighboring municipalities' opinion, TEŠ announced it would discontinue work on waste coincineration project for Šoštanj TPP.
08 February 2021 - CRBC agreed to design and build dozens of wastewater treatment and network systems and rehabilitate or build six regional landfills in Serbia.
08 February 2021 - Air pollution from coal power plants in Turkey kills almost 5,000 people prematurely and leads to 3,000 preterm births every year
05 February 2021 - Four Energy Community contracting parties in the Western Balkans are under pressure to bring air pollution from coal power plants under control
04 February 2021 - Suez and Itochu were supposed to close the waste landfill in Vinča on January 31 and start using the new site, CLS said and blamed Belgrade's authorities
03 February 2021 - Serbia set aside funds for the replacement and upgrades of heating systems and to help plant trees and cut the impact of individual sources of pollution
02 February 2021 - Local authorities in Greece's Western Macedonia say the proposed 500 MW floating photovoltaic project would devastate lake Polyfytos