01 November 2021 - G20 increased the uncertainty about the outcome at COP26 with its weak joint statement on climate action goals and funding
29 October 2021 - Premogovnik Velenje has projects for methane extraction, a gravity power plant, underground energy storage and farming. Its subsidiary builds PV plants.
29 October 2021 - Mitsubishi Shipbuilding launched a carbon capture project on a cargo ship with the ambition to develop such systems on a commercial scale
28 October 2021 - The people of Rekovac and a group of villages in the west chased off geologists illegally exploring lithium deposits. They say the authorities abandoned them.
21 October 2021 - ElevenEs will produce LFP batteries for vehicles and energy storage in Subotica, Serbia. It will build the plant with the help of EU funds.
20 October 2021 - Despite the Paris Agreement goals and net zero commitments, fossil fuel producers are on track to significantly boost output through 2040
20 October 2021 - GWP-Med held a workshop on gender equality for sustainable development in nexus sectors in the Drin river riparians
18 October 2021 - The European Commission's Frans Timmermans said gas has a future in the energy mix and that EU has nothing against nuclear energy
18 October 2021 - Belgrade reached the top of IQAir's air pollution list last night, trailed closely by other major cities in the Balkan region
13 October 2021 - The EU's sale of EUR 12 billion in debt securities, the biggest so far on a global scale, attracted record demand as well
08 October 2021 - Turkey's parliament ratified the Paris Agreement on climate change, so now only four signatory countries remain outside of the world treaty
06 October 2021 - The EU prepared a EUR 30 billion investment package and the Western Balkans must implement climate action reforms from Green Agenda Action Plan
06 October 2021 - According to WHO's new recommendations, the air in Serbia is already excessively polluted almost everywhere at the very start of the heating season
01 October 2021 - GWP-Med will hold an online workshop on the gender equality factor in the Drin river basin through the prism of the water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus
30 September 2021 - The European Commission accepted Romania's EUR 29.2 billion National Recovery and Resilience Plan, of which 41% goes to green and climate investments
17 September 2021 - Serbia achieved the lowest annual coupon rate in its history, 1%, in the sale of its first green bond. The government raised EUR 1 billion.