
Second unit of Krško nuclear power plant projected to come online in 2035

27 January 2023 - The second unit in the Krško nuclear power plant could be in operation in 2035, but project permits are still pending

Household solar power systems overload Cyprus electricity grid

Household solar power systems overload Cyprus electricity grid

27 January 2023 - The distribution and transmission system operators in Cyprus asked for a freeze in issuing licenses for small solar power installations for self-consumption

Germany two green hydrogen pipeline projects EU countries

Germany to build two green hydrogen pipelines with other EU countries

26 January 2023 - Germany joined the H2Med project and is also working on a green hydrogen pipeline project with Belgium in the North Sea

Manage your energy investment in North Macedonia smartly – ask our legal partners for the latest market insights

Manage your energy investment in North Macedonia smartly – ask our legal partners for the latest market insights

26 January 2023 - If you are looking to invest in the energy sector of North Macedonia, submit questions you might have about the existing regulatory framework in the country

RWE PPC launch construction solar power plants 210 MW

RWE, PPC to launch construction of solar power plants of 210 MW in total

26 January 2023 - Through their joint venture Meton Energy, RWE and PPC reached the investment decision for five photovoltaic projects in Greece

Slovenia to invest EUR 3.5 billion in power distribution system

Slovenia to invest EUR 3.5 billion in power distribution system

25 January 2023 - Slovenia intends to invest EUR 3.5 billion in the power distribution system by 2032 to overcome the challenges of the energy transition

Romania and Bulgaria agree to build two hydropower plants on Danube

23 January 2023 - Romania and Bulgaria have agreed to build two hydropower plants on the Danube, which should be operational within the next five to six years.


USAID issues call for USD 20 million regional energy investment project

17 January 2023 - USAID's project aims to find investors for commercially and environmentally sustainable energy projects in the region

Romania plans to expand coal mine over 100 hectares of forests

Romania plans to expand coal mine over 100 hectares of forests

16 January 2023 - More than 100 hectares of forests in Romania's Gorj region could be cut down to expand a lignite mine.


Croatia could fully replace electricity imports with 1 GW of new wind capacity

16 January 2023 - By tapping on its renewable energy potentials, Croatia could completely eliminate the need to buy electricity abroad.

Oil refinery in Ballsh in Albania to be turned into 100 MW solar power plant

Oil refinery in Ballsh in Albania to be turned into 100 MW solar power plant

13 January 2023 - A shuttered bitumen facility in Ballsh may reincarnate as a utility-scale photovoltaic plant, according to the Albanian government

Three major investments for solar boom in Montenegro

Three investments in solar power announced in Montenegro

11 January 2023 - Three companies in Montenegro are preparing hundreds of millions of euros for solar power projects in Rožaje, Šavnik and Cetinje

Kaltun YEO Turkish companies Dren wind park North Macedonia

Turkish companies to build Dren wind park in North Macedonia

11 January 2023 - Kaltun Enerji hired YEO Teknoloji for its Dren wind farm project in North Macedonia near the border with Greece

Balluku Albania aims net electricity exporter 2030

Balluku: Albania aims to become net electricity exporter by 2030, plans solar power auction this year

11 January 2023 - Albania aims to become an energy leader in the region and a net power exporter by 2030, Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku said

Enerjisa first agrivoltaic pilot project Turkey

Enerjisa launches first agrivoltaic pilot project in Turkey

10 January 2023 - The company with the highest installed renewable energy capacity in Turkey is pioneering the agrivoltaic concept

Chinese company CSSC Haizhuang unveils world largest wind turbine prototype

Chinese company CSSC Haizhuang unveils world’s largest wind turbine prototype

10 January 2023 - CSSC Haizhuang Wind Power is assembling the prototype of what would now be the biggest wind turbine on the planet

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