circular economy

United against plastic pollution: most important climate deal since the Paris Agreement

10 March 2022 - Pollution from plastics has reached epidemic proportions, officials said. Representatives of 175 countries adopted a...

Garbage dumps in Serbia are quietly poisoning its citizens

21 February 2022 - Waste comes back like a boomerang through our water, land and air, enters the food chain and slowly poisons us

Sofia wastewater plant expands biogas production unit

Sofia wastewater plant expands biogas production unit

07 November 2021 - The new digester at Sofiyska voda's wastewater treatment plant, worth EUR 3.1 million, increased its biogas production capacity by 25%

World’s first interactive global database of chemical recycling projects kicks-off

World’s first interactive global database of chemical recycling projects kicks off

01 November 2021 - There is a growing demand for recycled plastics globally, particularly for use in food and beverage packaging while supply is limited

cms slovakia waste management

Single-use plastic products banned in Slovakia

26 October 2021 - Packaging and non-packaging made of OXO-biodegradable plastic arriving after 3.7.2021. may no longer be placed or distributed on the Slovak market.


Experts, NGOs demand fresh public consultation on Serbia’s 2021-2024 waste management plan

05 October 2021 - The interested public only learned of the public consultation two days ahead of an online conference organized by the ministry on October 1.

Nordic experts to share experiences for strengthening circular economy in Serbia

Nordic experts to share experience to suport circular economy advancement in Serbia

10 September 2021 - The embassies of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, have launched a project called Strengthening the Circular Economy in Serbia - Nordic Experiences.

Port of Constanta greening international Pioneers

Port of Constanța greening its operations in international Pioneers project

11 May 2021 - Port of Constanța is part of a project called Pioneers, aiming to optimize operations and roll out renewable energy and mobility solutions

Women in green business financial stimulus real strength

Women in green business need financial stimulus to show their real strength

04 March 2021 - The state and financial institutions don't see the potential of the women in green business in Serbia, who mostly lean on own persistence and creativity

Slovenia EUR 660 million liquidity firms green transition

Slovenia earmarks EUR 660 million for liquidity in firms, green transition

12 January 2021 - Slovenia is helping the recovery from the pandemic with EUR 660 million including grants, with a focus on SMEs, liquidity and the green transition

EU's European Innovation Council Fund stakes startups

EU’s European Innovation Council Fund buys stakes in startups

12 January 2021 - The EU is supporting innovative startups with direct equity investments for the first time, blending them with grants through the EIC Fund

Bulgaria EUR 1 5 billion EU recovery energy efficiency

Bulgaria to use EUR 1.5 billion from EU recovery fund for energy efficiency

27 November 2020 - Minister Petya Avramova says the energy efficiency segment of the Recovery and Resilience Plan of Bulgaria would be worth EUR 1.53 billion

European Parliament EU right to reuse repair

European Parliament tells EU to back right to reuse, repair products

26 November 2020 - The European Commission needs to promote repair, resale and reuse of products and ban built-in product obsolence, lawmakers said in a resolution.

Green Agenda for Western Balkans Sofia summit

State leaders endorse Green Agenda for Western Balkans at Sofia summit

10 November 2020 - European Union hopefuls from the continent's southeast agreed at a summit in Sofia with the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans

Coffee grounds as waste heating fuel fertilizer

Coffee grounds waste emerging as powerful heating fuel, fertilizer

04 November 2020 - Projects are springing up across the globe for making fuel and fertilizer from coffee dregs, which prevents landfilling


European Green Deal tells us decarbonisation is possible not only in the EU, but everywhere

09 October 2020 - The idea of ​​the European Green Plan is to show that decarbonisation is possible not...

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