carbon capture

Energean to store CO2 in depleted oil wells off Greek coast

30 March 2023 - Energean’s CCS project for depleted wells in the Prinos area in the Aegean Sea has entered the phase of final preparations

NIS will produce green and blue hydrogen at refinery in Banat region

NIS to produce green, blue hydrogen near its refinery in northeast Serbia

23 March 2023 - NIS has extended the public call for the design and technical documentation development for a hydrogen production plant

RWE Equinor plan hydrogen pipeline joint power plants Germany

RWE, Equinor plan hydrogen pipeline, joint power plants in Germany

09 January 2023 - RWE and Equinor are working on a plan to produce and transport hydrogen through a proposed pipeline from Norway to Germany

Soil carbon storage in agriculture for climate, and trade, bonds and profits

Soil carbon storage in agriculture for climate, and trade, bonds and profits

06 November 2022 - Carbon capture and storage in agricultural land could become one of the more effective methods...

carbon capture storage projects The Carbon Capture Crux

IEEFA: Relying on carbon capture in fossil fuel sector will not work

01 September 2022 - The Carbon Capture Crux – Lessons Learned studies 13 flagship large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS)/carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) projects


US chooses to step up climate action with landmark bill

09 August 2022 - The US Senate has approved a bill that allocates USD 369 billion for combating climate change

Bulgarian cement plant EU grant innovative carbon capture storage

Bulgarian cement plant gets EU grant for innovative carbon capture, storage project

18 July 2022 - Devnya Cement got a EUR 190 million grant from the EU for the first full-chain carbon capture and storage project in the Balkans

EPCG hires Swiss consultancy for gas power plant projects

12 July 2022 - EPCG will work with SS&A Power Consultancy on projects for the first gas-fired power plants in combination with renewables in Montenegro

Fossil fuel giant Occidental capture carbon behalf Airbus

Fossil fuel giant Occidental to capture carbon on behalf of Airbus

23 March 2022 - Occidental Petroleum is making the world's biggest CO2 direct air capture and storage system that will lower Airbus's carbon footprint for a fee

Carbon capture projects failing still to play role energy transition

Carbon capture projects failing but still to play role in energy transition

14 January 2022 - The carbon capture technology is still experimental, but it may have a shot with a proper funding scheme and a functional market

Elon Musk SpaceX rocket fuel atmospheric CO2

Elon Musk’s SpaceX seeks rocket fuel made from atmospheric CO2

14 December 2021 - Elon Musk revealed SpaceX would launch a program for capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for the production of rocket fuel

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding captures CO2 ship exhaust gas

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding captures CO2 from ship exhaust gas

29 October 2021 - Mitsubishi Shipbuilding launched a carbon capture project on a cargo ship with the ambition to develop such systems on a commercial scale

New York City startup Air Co vodka captured CO2

New York City startup Air Co. produces vodka from captured CO2

21 October 2021 - Air Co. calls its vodka the world's most sustainable spirit as it makes the alcohol from captured CO2 and green hydrogen. It just launched a perfume.


World’s major cement and concrete makers pledge full decarbonization by 2050

14 October 2021 - The roadmap actions until 2030 will reduce the manufacturers' CO2 emissions by a quarter, according to the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA).


IEA Global Hydrogen Report 2021: World needs decisive action to cut costs of low-carbon hydrogen production

07 October 2021 - Governments need to take decisive action to enable low-carbon hydrogen to fulfill its potential and help the world reach net zero emissions by 2050.


Cement maker to decarbonize production with solar, green hydrogen

09 September 2021 - Cement maker Salonit Anhovo has agreed cooperation with hydropower company Soške Elektrarne with the aim of decarbonizing production through solar power and green hydrogen projects.

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