Photo: Pixabay
Coordination Auction Office in South East Europe (SEE CAO) has appointed Ivan Bulatović as the new executive director, SEE CAO said in a news release.
SEE CAO manages the coordinated explicit allocation of cross-border transmission capacities on six borders in SEE region.
Ivan Bulatović has extensive experience in the field of power systems and has performed various significant roles within the Montenegrin Transmission System Operator (TSO) Crnogorski Elektroprenosni Sistem (CGES) for more than ten years, SEE CAO said.
Bulatović has served as CGES executive director.
He was coordinator of many energy projects in the Balkans and has participated in numerous domestic and European energy organizations. During the years of his professional experience he was recognized as important part of ENTSO-E, USEA/USAID electricity market group, CIGRE Montenegro and Paris.
“As one of SEE CAO’s core value is building a strong relationship and gaining trust of market participants, the whole team alongside with Bulatović is confident that all our activities will additionally empower further business relations with energy traders,” SEE CAO said.
Explicit allocation on six borders
SEE CAO performs explicit allocation of long term and daily physical transmission rights on the bidding zone borders between Participating TSOs in accordance with SEE CAO set of Harmonised Allocation Rules and following the requirements of Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 of 26 September 2016 and Regulation (EC) 714/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on conditions for access to the network for cross border exchanges in electricity.
The shareholders of SEE CAO are 8 TSOs from the SEE region: HOPS (Croatia), NOS BiH, OST (Albania), CGES (Montenegro), KOSTT (Kosovo*), IPTO (Greece), TEIAS (Turkey), and MEPSO (North Macedonia).
Allocation is performed on the following bidding zone borders:
- Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro
- Montenegro – Albania
- Albania – Greece
- Greece – Turkey
- Greece – North Macedonia.
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