Photo: Pixabay
Slovenia’s Ministry of Infrastructure has put up for public debate up to July 10 an upgraded National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) for the 2017-2020 period in accord with European Commission directives. The plan is aimed at improving energy efficiency by 20% by 2020 as well as raising the level of energy savings.
Under European Union energy efficiency directives, every EU member state was under obligation to adopt a national action plan by April 30, 2014 and upgrade it every three years from that date. This is Slovenia’s second upgraded action plan covering basic measures aimed at improving energy efficiency and expected energy savings to help meet the EU goal of 20% higher energy efficiency.
The implementation of the NEEAP 2020 will have a crucial effect in lowering greenhouse gas pollution and in raising the share of renewable energy sources to the target of 25% of all sources in the next three years.
The ministry said that Slovenia is on the way to achieving its national goal but that the upwards trend does not automatically mean long-term effects will be achieved, especially because of the high level of energy use in transport which in 2015 stood at 38% of the total energy use.
Slovenia’s upgraded NEEAP 2020 covers energy efficiency in buildings, industry, transport, heating and air conditioning and the transfer and distribution of power.
The ministry said that the existing measures are being analysed and evaluated so that they can be upgraded if need be. The new action plan introduces some new measures such as the introduction of financial instruments for infrastructure reconstruction and measures to improve heating and air conditioning.
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