
Contract signed to build 250 MW solar power plant

31 December 2018 - The Montenegrin government has signed a contract on the construction of a 250 MW solar...

Montenegro to start phasing out feed-in tariffs for renewables in 2020

25 December 2018 - The Government of Montenegro has decided to start gradually reducing feed-in tariffs for renewable energy...

Power utility EPCG plans to launch tendering for reconstruction of 5 small HPPs

18 December 2018 - Montenegro’s state power utility Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG) plans to launch tendering in the third...

Sustainability in focus of Montenegrin energy development in 2019

13 December 2018 - The beginning of the operation of the Montenegro-Italy submarine power cable in mid-2019, doubled wind power...

Montenegro opens chapter 27 of EU accession talks

11 December 2018 - Montenegro has opened chapter 27 of EU membership negotiations, which deals with the environment and...

GIZ ORF-EE backs Kosovo* MPs’ initiative to exchange experiences with Montenegrin peers on implementation of energy efficiency law

06 December 2018 - A parliamentary delegation from Kosovo* visited Podgorica, Montenegro on December 4 and 5 to discuss...

CGES, KfW sign EUR 20 million loan agreement for Luštica transmission project

01 November 2018 - Montenegrin transmission system operator (TSO) Crnogorski Elektroprenosni Sistem (CGES) and German development bank KfW have...

Fresh tendering planned for development of renewable energy sources – PM

26 October 2018 - Montenegrin Prime Minister Duško Marković has announced fresh tendering procedures for the leasing of state...

Fortum-EPCG consortium emerges as top bidder to build 250 MW solar power plant at Briska Gora

22 October 2018 - A consortium of Finland’s state energy company Fortum and Montenegro’s state power utility Elektroprivreda Crne...

Revised strategy calls for setting up Timber Exchange

16 October 2018 - The revised forest and forestry development strategy for 2014-2023, adopted by the Montenegrin government last...

Montenegro launching Energy Efficient Home program, seeking consultants for MEEP 2

15 October 2018 - Montenegro’s Ministry of Economy has said that it is launching the Energy Efficient Home program,...

CEDIS issues invitation for prequalification for Smart Metering Completion Project

10 October 2018 - The Montenegrin distribution system operator (DSO), Crnogorski elektrodistributivni sistem (CEDIS), has published an invitation for...

Residents vow to keep battling small hydropower plant Meteh

03 October 2018 - Residents in Plav in northern Montenegro recently again blocked the start of construction on the...

EPCG calls bids for EUR 3.36 million overhaul of six generators at HPP Perućica

12 September 2018 - Montenegro’s state power utility Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG) has invited bids for EUR 3.36 million...

Companies invited to take part in interest-free financing program called Energy Efficient Home

05 September 2018 - Montenegro’s Ministry of Economy has invited suppliers, fitters and contractors in the field of household...

200-MW-plus Briska Gora solar project draws three bids

04 September 2018 - A project to build a solar power plant with an installed capacity of more than...

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