
powerchina avr solar park serbia saraorci djedovic

PowerChina, AVR kick off construction of 9.9 MW solar power plant in Serbia

19 July 2023 - The new power plant in Saraorci will produce electricity for the domestic market, the Ministry of Mining and Energy said

Two giant solar power projects Bulgaria highlight land use disputes

Two major solar power projects in Bulgaria highlight land use disputes

19 July 2023 - A village mayor in Bulgaria is refusing to endorse a PV project on pastures, while Eurohold will build one on lowest-grade land and boost biodiversity

Europe has 51 terawatts of agrivoltaics potential, new research shows

Europe has 51 TW of potential for agrivoltaics, new research shows

19 July 2023 - Researchers at Aarhus University in Denmark have investigated different types of agrivoltaics (APV) configurations and found considerable differences in potential across Europe

Serbia publishes details on selection of strategic partner for 1 GW of solar

Serbia publishes details on selection of strategic partner for 1 GW of solar

18 July 2023 - The decree defines the upcoming public call and process, the criteria for participation and the evaluation of bids.

Dickson WindEurope keep pushing back uncapped negative bidding auctions

WindEurope to keep pushing back against uncapped negative bidding in auctions

18 July 2023 - BP and TotalEnergies have to pay vast sums to build offshore wind plants in Germany, which unsettled the industry. Giles Dickson says WindEurope would keep opposing the model.


Photovoltaics supply 60% of Greece’s electricity at noon during heatwave

18 July 2023 - A heatwave pushed the demand for electricity in Greece to the highest this year. Photovoltaics cover the most around midday, but peak demand is around sunset.

North Macedonia secures EUR 100 million for green transformation of SMEs EIB loan

North Macedonia secures EUR 100 million for green transformation of SMEs

17 July 2023 - The credit line is part of the government's measures to support households and businesses amid the economic slowdown and the energy crisis

Montenegro greenlights two new solar power investments

14 July 2023 - The Government of Montenegro issued urban planning and technical requirements for the construction of solar parks


EU shifting focus from crisis response to net zero agenda

14 July 2023 - The EU suggested it would ask UN member states to double energy efficiency improvements and triple renewable energy deployment by 2030

Vetrino CWP suspends part EUR 610 million wind power east Bulgaria

CWP suspends part of EUR 610 million wind power project in east Bulgaria

14 July 2023 - Citing disputes with the Municipality of Vetrino near Varna, a subsidiary of CWP Europe said it decided to reduce a wind park project

Volkswagen joins EPEX Spot electricity exchange via its Elli brand

Volkswagen joins EPEX Spot electricity exchange via its Elli brand

14 July 2023 - German carmaker Volkswagen and its Elli division entered the EPEX Spot power bourse with a stationary system and a digital platform

bp totalenergies auctions germany offshore wind

BP, TotalEnergies win German auctions with EUR 12.6 billion in bids for offshore wind farms of 7 GW

13 July 2023 - The results confirm the attractiveness of investing in offshore wind energy in Germany, said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur

Czech firm Woodburn starts construction of two solar power plants in Croatia

Czech firm starts construction of two solar power plants in Croatia

13 July 2023 - Woodburn Capital Partners broke ground on a 10 MW solar power plant near Zagreb and a 3 MW photovoltaic facility in Dalmatia

Solar canopy for 15-hectare parking lot in France

12 July 2023 - Volkswagen and energy giant Engie have commissioned a 20 MW photovoltaic installation above a parking...

Cyprus no man s land host joint solar park

Cyprus no man’s land to host joint solar park

12 July 2023 - A study is underway for a joint solar park with storage in the Green Line area, which separates the Cypriot Greek and Turkish communities

Turkey over 20 GW nuclear power capacity 2050s

Turkey targets over 20 GW in nuclear power capacity by 2050s

12 July 2023 - Turkey is making plans for its second and third nuclear power plants and the deployment of several small modular reactors

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