07 December 2021 - The Romanian authorities announced the national hydrogen strategy would be published in 2022
07 December 2021 - Luxor Solar provided the University of Sarajevo in BiH with 90 solar modules for optimization and research
06 December 2021 - The Green for Growth Fund conducted the first local currency transaction in Serbia by providing a loan to UniCredit Bank Serbia
06 December 2021 - Greek construction and energy giant GEK Terna is preparing to sell common sustainability-linked bonds with a target of EUR 300 million
03 December 2021 - Artur Lorkowski will lead the Energy Community Secretariat over the next three year. He replaced Janez Kopač after his nine-year tenure
02 December 2021 - Vulnerable households in the Western Balkans often can't afford renovation or to replace old heating stoves and boilers even with a 50% subsidy
02 December 2021 - An overwhelming number of renewable energy projects received a production license or a producer certificate in Greece so far
02 December 2021 - Ne to. 0! or The 0 future of household heating is the second annual policy conference on how to win the Balkans air-pollution dodgeball hosted by the RES Foundation.
01 December 2021 - The market will be launched by the European Power Exchange, European Energy Exchange and European Commodity Clearing
01 December 2021 - The RES Foundation is holding its second second annual conference in Serbia on how to win the Balkan air pollution dodgeball
01 December 2021 - Ne to. 0! Is the second annual policy conference on how to win the Balkans...
01 December 2021 - Megajoule will install lidar devices at a client's gas platforms in the North Adriatic to analyze offshore wind power potential
30 November 2021 - The Ministerial Council adopted the Clean Energy Package, the Decarbonization Roadmap and the Gas Security of Supply Regulation
29 November 2021 - Wind power plants in Turkey produced the greatest amount of electricity for the first time, outpacing natural gas, and coal
29 November 2021 - Eurowind from Denmark has the ambition to install 2 GW of renewable energy capacity in Bulgaria with Renalfa and its subsidiary Solarpro
29 November 2021 - Akuo Energy's project Solar Park Stipion was declared a strategic investment in North Macedonia. The investment is valued at EUR 270 million.