
Buk Bijela hydropower plant September

Preparatory works on Buk Bijela hydropower plant to start in September

30 June 2020 - The Republic of Srpska is waiting for the approval of BiH’s competition authorities to be...


EU launches Just Transition Platform for coal regions

30 June 2020 - The European Commission has launched the Just Transition Platform to help member states draw up...


Most EU states not on track to reduce air pollution by 2030 – Commission’s report

29 June 2020 - Most member states are at risk of not complying with their 2020 or 2030 emission...

Amazon venture capital for Climate Pledge Fund

Amazon earmarks USD 2 billion in venture capital for Climate Pledge Fund

26 June 2020 - Jeff Bezos’s online retail empire is accelerating its efforts toward carbon neutrality. Amazon decided to...

O2 Challenge 2 in North Macedonia

O2 Challenge 2 in North Macedonia delays deadline to July 3

26 June 2020 - A government program is supporting micro, small and medium-sized North Macedonian firms in projects for...

7 flaws in EPS environmental study for TENT thermal power plant overhaul

Major flaws in EPS environmental study for TENT A thermal power plant overhaul

25 June 2020 - Environmentalist organizations and activists claim Elektroprivreda Srbije, EPS, won’t be able to obtain the necessary...

Citizens used Kasper application to report 138 illegal dumpsites in Podgorica

25 June 2020 - So far 107 illegal landfills have been removed after citizens used the Kasper application to...

Coal power plants in EU shuttering

Coal power plants in EU shuttering amid jump in expenses from end-June

25 June 2020 - Exemptions in air pollution limits in the EU are about to be abolished, so owners...

Federation of BiH small hydropower plants

Federation of BiH bans construction of small hydropower plants

24 June 2020 - The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has three months to produce bills...

Circular economy basic principle Slobodan Perovic interview

Circular economy is becoming basic principle for entire world

23 June 2020 - Serbia is the first country in the Western Balkans to produce the Roadmap for Circular...

Coal plant SO2 emissions in Western Balkans

SO2 emissions in Western Balkans coal plants six times above limit in 2019

23 June 2020 - There was no improvement last year on air pollution from lignite-fired industrial facilities reported to...


Environmental, energy projects worth EUR 960 million to restart Slovenia’s economy

22 June 2020 - The Government of Slovenia has adopted a list of 187 investments to restart the Slovenian...


40 artists back Blue Heart campaign to protect Balkan Rivers on occasion of World Music Day

19 June 2020 - Forty well-known artists from around the Balkan region are seeking to shake people up and...


Rethinking financial sustainability for biodiversity

19 June 2020 - Biodiversity can be in the center of sustainable development, yet it requires systematic solutions and...

Environmentalist protest small hydropower, pollution in Serbia

Environmentalist groups unite to protest small hydropower, pollution in Serbia

15 June 2020 - More than forty environmentalist organizations participated at the demonstration in front of the building of...

Climate targets gas coal power plants

Climate targets warrant closure of all gas, coal power plants soon, study shows

11 June 2020 - If solutions to turn emissions negative aren’t scaled up substantially in the mid-term to cap...

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