12 December 2020 - The European Parliament is set to vote on a proposal for the EU's seven-year budget, green recovery funds and the 55% emission cut target
11 December 2020 - Kosovo* will receive EUR 72.1 million in grants and loans from Germany for wastewater treatment, energy efficiency, and renewable energy projects.
08 December 2020 - The EU is taking Greece and Bulgaria to the Court of Justice for failing to tackle PM10 air pollution and reprimanding them for environmental breaches
08 December 2020 - ProCredit Bank in Kosovo has launched a certified green building finance program for the construction and purchase of sustainable energy-efficient buildings, offering attractive interest rates for investment and discounted fees for green building certification.
04 December 2020 - Minister of Ecology and Spatial and Urban Planning Ratko Mitrović and Minister of Capital Investments Mladen Bojanić start tenure in Montenegro
30 November 2020 - The European Climate Initiative – EUKI launched a call for the civil society, authorities and educational entities to outline cross-border climate projects.
27 November 2020 - Minister Petya Avramova says the energy efficiency segment of the Recovery and Resilience Plan of Bulgaria would be worth EUR 1.53 billion
27 November 2020 - Two boilers of 900 kW each fueled by wood chips and a 2.5 MW spare unit on gas will provide heating in Mali Zvornik from next October
23 November 2020 - HEP Group will use the largest grant it received so far from EU funds, EUR 55.8 million, to reconstruct 68.5 kilometers of hot water network
20 November 2020 - The project demonstrates that the use of solar energy for heating water is cheaper than using fossil fuels.s
19 November 2020 - The European Green Deal is a chance for BiH to upgrade its energy system and make it environmentally sustainable, experts from RESET said.
18 November 2020 - The UK rolled out a green for pandemic recovery and moved the new fossil fuel–powered car sales ban target date from 2040 to 2030.
18 November 2020 - Aleksander Mervar, CEO of ELES, speaks of efforts toward a just energy transition and the development projects of Slovenia's TSO
16 November 2020 - The European Climate Initiative – EUKI is about to start its fifth call for climate action financing for nonprofit organizations.
11 November 2020 - Minister of Mining and Energy of Serbia Zorana Mihajlović vowed to improve legislation for energy, renewables and energy efficiency
09 November 2020 - Romania's state aid package of EUR 150 million for operators of district heating plants and networks obtained clearance from the EU