21 April 2021 - The National Assembly has endorsed the law on renewables, the law on energy efficiency, the law on energy and the law on mining.
19 April 2021 - Slovenia's only coal-fired thermal power plant TEŠ is on track to lose up to EUR 150 million this year, CEO of ELES Aleksander Mervar said
19 April 2021 - The contract includes the construction of new substation Elbasan 3 and upgrading substation Fier.
16 April 2021 - The new balancing rules in force as of April 1 introduce market based procurement of balancing services and imbalance price formation.
13 April 2021 - Power output from coal fell by 22% in the EU last year, while Serbia boosted its production by 4% in the sector and BiH increased it by 8%
09 April 2021 - The new law on the electricity market will increase competition in the market where the state-owned utility HEP holds 90% of the market.
08 April 2021 - The plans for a coal phaseout in Greece seem to be accelerating as the only thermal power plant project may be switched to gas earlier.
06 April 2021 - The French company has completed the acquisition of PVB Power Bulgaria, a firm with five hydropower plants in the Balkan country.
06 April 2021 - Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske needs funding for three hydropower plants on the Bistrica river and HPP Dabar.
02 April 2021 - Energy Community Secretariat has invited all power producers to implement internal carbon pricing, but so far only ESM answered positively.
01 April 2021 - ABB Power Grids Zagreb and and Kosovo’s* TSO have signed a contract for the construction of substation Ferizaj 3.
01 April 2021 - The country has signed three memoranda with Greece on the future LNG terminal near Alexandroupolis and the adjacent gas-fired power plant.
31 March 2021 - The EEA has officially confirmed that the power plant, part of utility EPCG, consumed its limit for production at the end of 2020.
31 March 2021 - Milorad Grćić said power production from coal would remain at the same level while capacities in renewable energy sources would increase
30 March 2021 - The miners from the Kreka brown coal mine in BiH stopped striking but bankruptcy looms if the reorganization plan is not implemented.
29 March 2021 - Market shares of the largest electricity producers have mostly been decreasing since 2007, according to the latest data by Eurostat.