
Western Balkans integrate markets easier energy transition funding

Western Balkans need to integrate markets for easier energy transition, funding

14 January 2022 - A joint approach makes funding green energy and the coal phaseout easier for the Western Balkans, but funding sources are still insufficient

Most read articles on Balkan Green Energy News in 2021

30 December 2021 - The most important topics for our readers in 2021 were lithium, the coal phaseout and investment in renewable energy in Serbia


Energy transition is no threat but opportunity for Western Balkans

29 October 2021 - Damir Miljević talks about this new industrial revolution and the opportunities it brings for economic development in the region.

Western Balkans GEFF energy efficiency interview

GEFF helps citizens in Western Balkans take key step in greening residential sector

27 September 2021 - Supported by the EBRD's Western Balkans GEFF programme, citizens of the region have made the first steps in improving energy efficiency in the residential sector.

Wind power strongest force decarbonization EU

Wind power is the strongest force for decarbonization in the EU

16 September 2021 - Energy-intensive industries see renewables are the cheapest and reliable form of energy, WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson says

Issuing green bonds cost effective ordinary debt

Issuing green bonds is more cost effective than ordinary debt securities

06 September 2021 - If fossil fuel companies are transitioning to clean energy, they should issue green bonds, CEO of Climate Bonds Initiative Sean Kidney said in an interview

Transformation innovation in energy sector Elena Boskov Kovacs

Transform and innovate if you want to remain a player in energy sector

30 August 2021 - Innovations are becoming increasingly important in the energy sector, which, though a traditional and regulated one, today is at a huge turning point. Ultimately, if you want to remain a player in the energy sector, in the long run, it is essential to continue to transform and innovate, says Elena Boskov Kovacs.

jelena matejic interview balkan green energy news windfarms banat

Serbian power grid operator ready to connect 2.8 GW of wind farms

05 August 2021 - State power grid operator EMS has invested EUR 30 million in two overhead lines that will enable the integration of 2.8 GW of wind farms.


Petar Đokić: Republic of Srpska cannot escape paying for CO2 emissions

25 June 2021 - Fossil fuels are not the future, but they certainly are our present, says Petar Đokić, minister of mining and energy of the Republic of Srpska.

COVID-19 crisis is opportunity for GGF to promote sustainable growth interview Green for Growth Fund GGF Olaf Zymelka

COVID-19 crisis is opportunity for GGF to promote sustainable growth

17 June 2021 - GGF is encouraging and financing financial institutions which share its vision of building back better, Chairperson Olaf Zymelka said

EBRD auctions number one tool renewable energy interview Matteo Colangeli

EBRD promotes auctions as number one tool for renewable energy growth

09 June 2021 - EBRD's Director for Western Balkans Matteo Colangeli says it is helping roll out renewable energy auctions and that it would fund decarbonization and bilateral power purchase agreements

neven duic interview balkan green energy news croatia

Croatian government has realized renewables are the cheapest solution

30 March 2021 - Professor Neven Duić in an interview with Balkan Green Energy News talks about the energy transition in Croatia.

People aware climate crisis green energy Mejra Juzbasic Bajgoric interview

People and businesses in SEE became aware of climate crisis, benefits of green energy

19 February 2021 - Green finance helps firms and households protect the environment and cut energy costs, says the GGF's head for Southeast Europe Mejra Juzbašić Bajgorić.


Jovana V. Milić: Serbian scientist from top Swiss university honored with Green Talents Award

02 February 2021 - Jovana is among 25 young researchers honored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for their contribution to sustainable development.


ELES secured over EUR 100 million from EU, Japan for development projects

18 November 2020 - Aleksander Mervar, CEO of ELES, speaks of efforts toward a just energy transition and the development projects of Slovenia's TSO

Vienna public buildings photovoltaic systems interview Ulli Sima

Vienna will equip all its public buildings with solar PV systems

22 September 2020 - Within its measures to mitigate the climate change impact, the Austrian capital made sure more...

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