20 April 2023 - The great interest in the energy conference of the year, which is what many call BEF 2023, was confirmed by a record response from sponsors and institutional partners. To secure your spot, register by April 30.
06 April 2023 - The first demand aggregation through AggregateEU is planned for April, followed by the publication of the first tender for suppliers in May
23 March 2023 - Péter Szijjártó, who visited BiH, pointed out that regional cooperation is very important to Hungary as a landlocked country
14 March 2023 - The revision to the electricity market design is aimed at switching away from short-term markets, boosting electrification and renewables and protecting consumers
10 March 2023 - The European Commission reiterated that the best solution to the energy crisis is to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels
02 March 2023 - The expansion of renewable sources prevented CO2 emissions from increasing significantly in 2022, but they did reach their historical maximum
02 March 2023 - The primary concern is to reduce electricity costs, the new Cypriot Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry George Papanastasiou said
27 February 2023 - Belgrade Energy Forum 2023 will gather 400 energy transition leaders. The two-day conference has drawn great interest, so hurry and secure your spot.
17 February 2023 - The two countries have signed memoranda of understanding on natural gas storage and the construction of a new oil pipeline
16 February 2023 - The University of Birmingham has said households in Sub-Saharan Africa are hardest hit in terms of the total energy cost burden rate
14 February 2023 - The grants will be used for measures defined in the Government of Serbia's energy roadmap
09 February 2023 - Elektroprivreda Srbije blamed the poor results on issues in the production of coal and electricity, the drought, and the energy crisis
08 February 2023 - Breakdowns in nuclear power plants and extreme weather conditions turned France into a net power importer last year
08 February 2023 - new laws since 2021 haven’t changed a thing because bylaws are missing and new investments were halted, the chamber pointed out
07 February 2023 - Péter Szijjártó met with Dubravka Đedović in Belgrade to discuss energy security in the region and the improvement of energy cooperation
06 February 2023 - The 9th ministerial meeting of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council in Baku brought together representatives from 16 states and the EU