Energy Efficiency

Belgrade’s public heating utility to install trigeneration plant

beogradske elektrane trigeneration plant tendering

Photo: Ministry of Finance


July 5, 2023



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July 5, 2023



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Public heating utility Beogradske Elektrane plans to build a trigeneration plant to supply the facilities covered by the spatial plan for the area of the future National Football Stadium in Belgrade.

The spatial plan of the special purpose area (PPPPN) of the National Football Stadium includes the construction of the new stadium and the Expo 2027 exhibition complex on 167 hectares in the Belgrade municipality of Surčin.

Beogradske Elektrane has invited bids for the preparation of design and technical documentation for the construction of a trigeneration plant in the area of the future National Football Stadium.

The project envisages the construction of a heat source complex called Surčinsko Polje – a cogeneration/trigeneration plant in the area of PPPPN for the production of heat and cooling energy, with natural gas as the primary fuel, according to the public call.

The heat source complex Surčinsko Polje will supply the national stadium and the expo center

The required heat capacity is 15 MW, while the capacity for hot water is 1.1 MW, and 30 MW for cooling.

“The heat source complex Surčinsko polje is a newly planned facility for the supply of heat and cooling energy to the facilities of the National Football Stadium and the Expo Center in Surčin. A cogeneration/trigeneration plant for the production of heat, cooling, and electricity should be installed in the complex, primarily for the needs of the Expo center,” the documentation reads.

For the production of energy in the Surčinsko Polje heat source complex, four facilities are planned: a facility for the production of heat energy (boiler house with a cogeneration plant), a facility for the production of cooling energy (compressor refrigeration plant), supporting facilities, and infrastructure.

Beoelektrane also has requested that the project envisage storage for heat and cooling energy

The production of heat and cooling energy is planned in a cogeneration/trigeneration plant, which should ensure the supply of heat and cooling to the newly planned Expo center, as well as the conditions for an expansion of production capacities to supply new consumers.

In all options, the project needs to envisage storage for heat and cooling energy in order to meet consumption peaks, according to the public call.

The deadline for submitting bids is August 3.

Of note, trigeneration plants are rare in Serbia, and one of these was put into operation in 2022 by Nikola Tesla Airport.

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