Photo: Pixabay
September 18, 2019
September 18, 2019
Banja Luka has secured a EUR 4 million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to finance improvements to the municipal water supply network under lender’s Green Cities framework.
The framework represents a strategic approach to address environmental and sustainability concerns through a combination of investments in municipal infrastructure and energy and policy measures, the EBRD said in a press release on the Banja Luka investment.
The framework represents a strategic approach to address environmental and sustainability concerns
The EBRD loan is part of a wider investment program by the Republika Srpska municipality, of up to EUR 10 million, to rehabilitate and expand its water and sewerage network. In August 2018, Banja Luka Mayor Igor Radojičić and the EBRD representative Josip Polić signed a letter of intent concerning a loan of up to EUR 10 million for the primary and secondary water supply network.
Banja Luka joined the Green Cities framework in September 2018 and an investment in the local district heating network was made soon afterward.
The new investment is a result of the joint work on a Green City Action Plan, which identified the inadequate water supply as one of the urgent priorities to be addressed. In September 2018, the City of Banja Luka started preparing its Green City Action Plan.
The plan is scheduled to be adopted by the city by the end of 2019, the EBRD said.
In BiH alone, Banja Luka, Sarajevo Canton and Zenica have joined EBRD Green Cities so far
Launched in 2016, the EBRD Green Cities offers support to help cities address their environmental issues and improve the quality of life of their residents. To date, more than 30 cities in the EBRD regions have signed up to the program. In BiH alone, Banjaluka, Sarajevo Canton and Zenica have joined EBRD Green Cities so far.
In September 2018, the City of Zenica held a presentation to mark the launch of work on developing the Green City Action Plan, as part of efforts to make one of the most polluted cities in Europe greener and more environmentally friendly.
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