
Igor Todorović

HSE building Slovenia s biggest solar power plant July

HSE to start building Slovenia’s biggest solar power plant in July

11 May 2021 - Holding Slovenske elektrarne is preparing to lay the foundation stone in Prapretno in two months for Slovenia's biggest solar power plant

Apply EEA s renewables energy efficiency grants Romania Bulgaria

Apply for EEA’s renewables, energy efficiency grants for Romania, Bulgaria

11 May 2021 - The EEA Financial Mechanism secured grants of EUR 4.6 million in Romania for renewables and EUR 10.7 million in Bulgaria for energy efficiency in buildings

Port of Constanta greening international Pioneers

Port of Constanța greening its operations in international Pioneers project

11 May 2021 - Port of Constanța is part of a project called Pioneers, aiming to optimize operations and roll out renewable energy and mobility solutions

Romania s Oradea city tender geothermal district heating

Romania’s Oradea city starts tender for geothermal district heating

10 May 2021 - District heating company Termoficare Oradea is looking for contractors for the utilization of geothermal energy in a project valued at EUR 18.8 million

Lake Ohrid North Macedonia s third wetland international importance

Lake Ohrid becomes North Macedonia’s third wetland of international importance

10 May 2021 - North Macedonia made Lake Ohrid and the Studenchishte marsh its third and largest area on the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance

Slovenia s Idrija installing battery storage to become smart town

Slovenia’s Idrija installing battery storage to become smart town

07 May 2021 - With storage and distribution management from the NEDO project, Idrija will be able to maintain the power supply for priority services during outages

Greece 2 6 MW solar power Mount Athos monasteries

Greece to build 2.6 MW in solar power in Mount Athos monasteries

07 May 2021 - The Monastic Republic of Mount Athos in Greece will be equipped with 21 photovoltaic units, covering 17 out of 20 monasteries

EU 2030 renewables share target at least 38

EU preparing to lift 2030 renewables share target to at least 38%

06 May 2021 - The draft changes to the Renewable Energy Directive envisage an upgrade for the 2030 share of renewables in the energy mix to between 38% and 40%

Abi Jaha Solar rooftop PV 2 1 MW Kosovo

Abi hires Jaha Solar to build rooftop PV system of 2.1 MW in Kosovo*

06 May 2021 - Retailer and dairy producer Abi from Prizren signed an agreement with Jaha Solar for a rooftop solar power system with a peak capacity of 2.13 MW

Portugal call off lithium EU s scramble battery materials

Portugal to call off lithium project amid EU’s scramble for battery materials

05 May 2021 - A major lithium project in Portugal may soon be scrapped, but another firm is making progress in the same region. The EU needs a steady and environmentally acceptable supply.


Terna to start building 730 MW pumped storage hydropower plant in October

04 May 2021 - Terna Energy is preparing to begin the construction of a pumped storage hydropower system in western Greece worth EUR 500 million

Greek energy industry EUR 2.5 billion green hydrogen

Greek energy industry unites in EUR 2.5 billion green hydrogen project

04 May 2021 - Gas, oil and construction companies joined forces with research institutions in Greece and foreign partners in the development of the White Dragon

Hybrid power plant Jasenovik 170 MW Kosovo

Hybrid power plant project Jasenovik of 170 MW underway in Kosovo*

29 April 2021 - StubllaEnergy is planning to install a hybrid power plant consisting of wind turbines with a capacity of 132 MW and photovoltaic panels of an overall 38 MW

Serbia waste incinerator Nis

Serbia revamps plan to install waste incinerator in Niš

29 April 2021 - Serbia is in talks with partners from China and Europe on a waste incinerator in Niš worth EUR 100 million, refreshing a plan from one decade ago

Greece coal phaseout deadline 2025 2028

Greece pushes coal phaseout deadline to 2025 from 2028

29 April 2021 - Coal-fired thermal power plant Ptolemaida 5, the last of its kind in Greece, is set to be converted to gas in 2025, three years earlier than planned

EU s CO2 certificates above EUR 48 ton all time high

EU’s CO2 certificates climb above EUR 48 per ton to all-time high

28 April 2021 - The cost of releasing greenhouse gases within the EU's Emissions Trading System is continuing to set records and nearing EUR 50 per CO2 equivalent

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