05 February 2021 - Within five years, the item in electricity bills for stimulating green power in Germany could be scrapped. An average family now pays EUR 413 per year
04 February 2021 - Suez and Itochu were supposed to close the waste landfill in Vinča on January 31 and start using the new site, CLS said and blamed Belgrade's authorities
03 February 2021 - Serbia set aside funds for the replacement and upgrades of heating systems and to help plant trees and cut the impact of individual sources of pollution
03 February 2021 - In a diversification push, Petrol will direct over one third of its capital expenditure in the next five years toward the energy transition
02 February 2021 - Local authorities in Greece's Western Macedonia say the proposed 500 MW floating photovoltaic project would devastate lake Polyfytos
02 February 2021 - TEŠ's project to add SRF waste to the coal that it burns in the Šoštanj thermal power plant hit a wall at the municipal council
12 January 2021 - State-owned KESH intends to build a 5.1 MW solar power plant at one of the three dams at the reservoir of its Vau i Dejës hydropower plant
12 January 2021 - Slovenia is helping the recovery from the pandemic with EUR 660 million including grants, with a focus on SMEs, liquidity and the green transition
12 January 2021 - The EU is supporting innovative startups with direct equity investments for the first time, blending them with grants through the EIC Fund
11 January 2021 - Local authorities in Bulgaria are renewing street lighting systems in projects worth almost EUR 9.2 million, most of which was secured through EEA Grants
11 January 2021 - Solvis is making 120,000 special solar panels for Google's data centers in California and expects the cooperation to continue
08 January 2021 - Within a pilot project in Tirana, small solar and wind power devices will be used to supply the energy for public lighting and chargers for electric cars
08 January 2021 - New Minister of the Environment and Energy of Greece Kostas Skrekas took over the post from Kostis Hatzidakis. Major reforms are already underway.
06 January 2021 - The Government of Serbia and its institutions have the responsibility to keep the environment healthy...
06 January 2021 - UNECE said 11 million trees would be planted as a result of its Trees in Cities Challenge. Tirana vowed to plant almost one tree per inhabitant
04 January 2021 - Floating waste is devastating the Drina and its tributaries in Serbia, BiH and Montenegro and piling up at hydropower dams