Photo: EU Sustainable Energy Week / European Union
The European Union Sustainable Energy Week or EUSEW is taking place in Brussels from June 22 to June 26 and organizers are receiving applications. On June 23, the most prominent top sustainable energy projects will be awarded at a ceremony. Entrants can join the contest until January 27 in categories of engagement, innovation and youth in renewables and energy efficiency.
Guidelines were posted to offer the details on eligibility, evaluation criteria and the application process for EU Sustainable Energy Awards. Authors can qualify a recent endeavor, from a local initiative to an industry-wide program, that is helping the citizens, industry and public sector work towards the energy union, EUSEW revealed.
The jury has the task to select three finalists for each segment before determining the winners. On top of that, citizens are choosing a champion among the nine candidates in a public online vote.
Potential participants are invited to hold a dynamic session at the three-day EUSEW Policy Conference, which starts on June 23, when the sustainable energy prizes are scheduled to be awarded. They will be able to promote their work, discuss the latest policy developments in the context of EU’s energy objectives and explore ways to build a clean, sustainable future, according to the announcement.
The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy and Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) are preparing for the 15th annual gathering. The proposals can be sent through January 20. The event is marketed with the hashtag #EUSEW2020.
The headline event will include the Networking Village as well as Energy Days. Public and private organizations are responsible for the latter, scheduled for May and June throughout Europe.
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