
Workshop on energy efficiency of municipalities held in Bitola


February 9, 2016


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February 9, 2016


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The Energy Agency of Macedonia and the World Bank promoted a project on energy efficiency in municipalities in the southwestern town of Bitola, agency Independent reported. The 18-month programme strengthens capacity in local self-governments to identify and apply energy efficient measures, according to Zdravko Stefanovski – the representative of the team implementing the project.

“We strive to boost the capacities of municipalities, there are action plans and feasibility studies with a set of tools allowing the municipalities to prepare documents on their own. We believe that a foundation is being laid to create an energy efficiency fund, as championed by the World Bank, which unfortunately hasn’t been set up yet in our country,” stated Stefanovski.

The pilot project is being implemented in eight municipalities: Radoviš, Staro Nagoričane, Novaci, Kavadarci, Pehčevo, Brvenica, Lozovo and Rosoman, which are tasked with drafting documents on energy efficiency and sharing experiences, it was noted at the workshop. In the framework of the project, the Strategic Development Consulting, in cooperation with the World Bank and the Energy Agency of Macedonia, is the organizer of eight workshops.


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