Photo: Tim Foster on Unsplash
The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina gave preliminary consent for the responsible ministry to issue the energy permit to the company Vjetroelektrane from Glamoč for its 46 MW wind farm project Dževa.
Vjetroelektrane, a firm registered in Glamoč in the west part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is developing wind farm projects Slovinj, of 138 MW, and Dževa, envisaged at 46 MW. It is 84% controlled by Nova energija, owned by Laguna Trade from Rogoznica in neighboring Croatia, reported. The Municipality of Glamoč controls the remainder.
The Government of the Federation of BiH gave a so-called preliminary consent or approval in June for Slovinj’s energy permit, and it has just done the same for the Dževa project. The plans for both endeavors in Canton 10 were underway already at the beginning of the last decade.
The Federation of BiH is one of the two entities that make up Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the other part is called the Republic of Srpska.
Future wind park Dževa is seen with an annual output of 160 GWh
The Dževa location is five kilometers from the town of Glamoč. The wind power plant would consist of eight turbines and the annual production is estimated at 160 GWh.
The government passed its decision over to the entity parliament to adopt it, after which the Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry would be tasked with completing the procedure.
The project firm is controlled by Laguna Trade from Croatia
Slovinj, named after the hill where the site is, should have 23 generators and an annual output of 506 GWh. According to information from last year, the two projects are valued at EUR 263 in total.
German company wpd received a concession in July from the cantonal authorities for its wind farm project Čadilj in Glamoč, also with a planned capacity of 138 MW.
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