Photo: Wikimedia.or, by Mike1024
District heating utility Toplofikacia Sofia EAD is inviting sealed tenders for supply of equipment for rehabilitation and modernization of Bulgarian capital’s district heating network.
The subject of the tender is supply of preinsulated pipes and elements intended for rehabilitation of district heating network, and increase of heat transfer energy efficiency. The focus is on replacement of district heating pipelines with total length of the trunk 23 000 m, located in 33 sites in Sofia, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said in a statement.
The rehabilitation of Sofia district heating network will be partially financed with the proceeds of the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF). Those fund will be also used for co-financing of rehabilitation of three Bulgarian hydro power plants.
Toplofikacia Sofia EAD will organize a pre-tender meeting on October 5, 2017, to present the technical requirements and the tender procedure to all interested tenderers.
The tenders must be delivered before November 3, 2017, at 14.00 local time.
Further information and tender documents may be obtained at the following address:
Maria Domuzova
Toplifikacia Sofia EAD
Room 224, 23 Jastrebetz Str., 1680 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: + 359 2 903 3078
Fax: + 359 2 859 9124
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