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The Energy Community Secretariat has published a tender for technical assistance related to the implementation of the Western Balkan 6 Day-Ahead Market Coupling Program (WB6 DA MI).
The aim is to provide the Western Balkan 6 countries with the management support and know-how needed to efficiently implement regional day-ahead market coupling in the region and with the neighboring markets of EU Member States, in line with the WB6 Memorandum of Understanding (WB6 MoU), the Energy Community Secretariat said.
Deadline for submission of tenders is November 2, 2017. Tender documents are available at the Energy Community Secretariat website.
The technical assistance will consist of providing project management support to the WB6 DA MI Governance bodies, and expert support needed throughout different phases of the implementation of any individual market coupling project that will be defined in the WB6 DA MI roadmap for the implementation of the regional market coupling.
The service providers will have to demonstrate profound knowledge of relevant EU and the Energy Community legislation as well as experience in management and implementation of market coupling projects.
The tender is a part of the project activities set out in the work program for the provision of technical assistance to Western Balkan 6 Contracting Parties under the project “Technical Assistance to Connectivity in the Western Balkans – Component 2: Regional Energy Market” funded by the European Union and implemented by the Energy Community Secretariat.
WB6 MoU has been signed by WB6 stakeholders and 14 stakeholders of neighbouring EU Member States. The document was originally signed by the WB6 members of the Energy Community in April 2016. Ministries, transmission system operators, national regulatory authorities and power exchanges of neighbouring EU member states were invited to participate in the process.
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