Kalyon YEKA integrated factory panel solar

Kalyon building solar systems factory to make 500 MW in panels per year

26 December 2019 - Production of photovoltaic equipment is scheduled to begin at the end of April in Ankara’s...

Turkey cancels solar tendering, applications to compete for 1 GW of wind due by March 7

17 January 2019 - Turkey has canceled tendering for a total of 1 GW of solar capacity, and is...

Turkey plans to conduct solar and wind tenders of 10 GW each

Turkey plans to conduct solar and wind tenders of 10 GW each

18 April 2018 - Turkey plans to hold 10 GW of solar and 10 GW of wind tenders in...

Energy efficiency Action plan to save Turkey USD 30 billion by 2033

Energy efficiency Action plan to save Turkey USD 30 billion by 2033

30 March 2018 - The National Energy Efficiency Action plan will help Turkey save USD 30.2 billion in next...

The biggest solar power plant in Turkey to be built by Turkish – South Korean consortium

24 March 2017 - Solar power plant of 1 GW will be installed in Karapınar Renewable Energy Resource Area...

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