
TES terminates waste coincineration Sostanj thermal power

TEŠ terminates waste coincineration project in Šoštanj thermal power plant

11 February 2021 - Under fire for soliciting neighboring municipalities' opinion, TEŠ announced it would discontinue work on waste coincineration project for Šoštanj TPP.

Serbia EUR 3 2 billion China's CRBC wastewater, landfill

Serbia inks EUR 3.2 billion deal with China’s CRBC for wastewater projects, landfills

08 February 2021 - CRBC agreed to design and build dozens of wastewater treatment and network systems and rehabilitate or build six regional landfills in Serbia.

Public–private-partnership-deadline-Belgrade's Vinča landfill

Public–private partnership misses deadline to shut Belgrade’s Vinča landfill

04 February 2021 - Suez and Itochu were supposed to close the waste landfill in Vinča on January 31 and start using the new site, CLS said and blamed Belgrade's authorities

Sostanj waste incineration thermal power

Šoštanj municipality rejects waste incineration plan for thermal power plant

02 February 2021 - TEŠ's project to add SRF waste to the coal that it burns in the Šoštanj thermal power plant hit a wall at the municipal council

belgrade vending machines pet transport

Belgrade to introduce reverse vending machines for PET packaging

05 January 2021 - Reverse vending machines for recycling will enable citizens to top up public transportation smart cards for the value of the waste they recycle.

Floating waste rivers Serbia BiH Montenegro

Floating waste covers rivers in Serbia, BiH, Montenegro

04 January 2021 - Floating waste is devastating the Drina and its tributaries in Serbia, BiH and Montenegro and piling up at hydropower dams

Mayor activists Sofia renewables air pollution

Mayor promises activists Sofia would install renewables to cut air pollution

23 December 2020 - Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova told Greenpeace Bulgaria the city would step up measures to reduce air pollution

Subotica Serbia waterworks wastewater treatment

City of Subotica has new waterworks system, wastewater treatment unit

18 December 2020 - Subotica and its surrounding area expanded the sewerage network in a EUR 27 million project and added a sludge-to-energy unit and a water plant

Buring waste in TPPSostanj will have adverse impact on human health

EIA study for TPP Šoštanj waste incineration project under scrutiny

17 December 2020 - Co-incineration of SRF will increase the emissions of heavy metals, according to the review of the EIA commissioned by the Municipality of Šoštanj.

Rio Tinto's lithium Serbia challenged transboundary impact

Rio Tinto’s lithium project in Serbia challenged over transboundary impact

01 December 2020 - CZŽS from BiH asked the state to determine the transboundary environmental impact of the lithium exploitation and processing project in Serbia

European Parliament EU right to reuse repair

European Parliament tells EU to back right to reuse, repair products

26 November 2020 - The European Commission needs to promote repair, resale and reuse of products and ban built-in product obsolence, lawmakers said in a resolution.

Products fruit waste replacing leather clim@ Beyond Leather

Products from fruit waste are replacing leather on global scale

14 November 2020 - Beyond Leather Materials from Denmark produces a leather substitute from apple pulp, but it is considering to include different fruits

Green Agenda for Western Balkans Sofia summit

State leaders endorse Green Agenda for Western Balkans at Sofia summit

10 November 2020 - European Union hopefuls from the continent's southeast agreed at a summit in Sofia with the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans

Paper recycling climate change fossil fuels

Paper recycling worsens climate change if fossil fuels are used

06 November 2020 - Wastepaper industry emissions can be almost wiped out with renewables while current practices actually make matters worse

Coffee grounds as waste heating fuel fertilizer

Coffee grounds waste emerging as powerful heating fuel, fertilizer

04 November 2020 - Projects are springing up across the globe for making fuel and fertilizer from coffee dregs, which prevents landfilling

EU adopts methane emission strategy European Green Deal

EU adopts methane emission cuts strategy within European Green Deal

20 October 2020 - The EU plans international action throughout the supply chain to prevent methane from escaping into the atmosphere

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