11 February 2021 - Under fire for soliciting neighboring municipalities' opinion, TEŠ announced it would discontinue work on waste coincineration project for Šoštanj TPP.
08 February 2021 - CRBC agreed to design and build dozens of wastewater treatment and network systems and rehabilitate or build six regional landfills in Serbia.
04 February 2021 - Suez and Itochu were supposed to close the waste landfill in Vinča on January 31 and start using the new site, CLS said and blamed Belgrade's authorities
02 February 2021 - TEŠ's project to add SRF waste to the coal that it burns in the Šoštanj thermal power plant hit a wall at the municipal council
05 January 2021 - Reverse vending machines for recycling will enable citizens to top up public transportation smart cards for the value of the waste they recycle.
04 January 2021 - Floating waste is devastating the Drina and its tributaries in Serbia, BiH and Montenegro and piling up at hydropower dams
23 December 2020 - Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova told Greenpeace Bulgaria the city would step up measures to reduce air pollution
18 December 2020 - Subotica and its surrounding area expanded the sewerage network in a EUR 27 million project and added a sludge-to-energy unit and a water plant
17 December 2020 - Co-incineration of SRF will increase the emissions of heavy metals, according to the review of the EIA commissioned by the Municipality of Šoštanj.
01 December 2020 - CZŽS from BiH asked the state to determine the transboundary environmental impact of the lithium exploitation and processing project in Serbia
26 November 2020 - The European Commission needs to promote repair, resale and reuse of products and ban built-in product obsolence, lawmakers said in a resolution.
14 November 2020 - Beyond Leather Materials from Denmark produces a leather substitute from apple pulp, but it is considering to include different fruits
10 November 2020 - European Union hopefuls from the continent's southeast agreed at a summit in Sofia with the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans
06 November 2020 - Wastepaper industry emissions can be almost wiped out with renewables while current practices actually make matters worse
04 November 2020 - Projects are springing up across the globe for making fuel and fertilizer from coffee dregs, which prevents landfilling
20 October 2020 - The EU plans international action throughout the supply chain to prevent methane from escaping into the atmosphere