ugljevik mine thermal power plant

Thermal power plant Ugljevik halts production due to lack of coal

05 December 2024 - The management of RiTE Ugljevik, which operates a coal mine and the thermal power plant, blames those who ran the company in previous years.

BiH suffers drastic fall in power export revenue

BiH suffers drastic fall in power export revenue

05 November 2024 - Electricity export revenue in Bosnia and Herzegovina came in at EUR 240 million in the first three quarters

Coal plants Western Balkans SO2 pollution 2023

Coal plants in Western Balkans increase SO2 pollution in 2023

19 September 2024 - Coal plants in the Western Balkans emitted more sulfur dioxide last year than in 2022, according to the Comply or Close report

ugljevik slovenia arbitration

Arbitration panel determines total damages that TPP Ugljevik in BiH owes to Slovenia

06 November 2023 - RiTE Ugljevik, the firm operating the Ugljevik coal plant and mine in BiH, has to pay an additional EUR 58.2 million in damages

ugljevik bih slovenia egs ri hse sfry

BiH’s TPP Ugljevik must pay EUR 67 million to Slovenia for investment dispute from Yugoslavia

20 July 2023 - Slovenian firm EGS-RI has invested in the construction of coal plant Ugljevik, which failed to compensate for it with electricity

Dodik ERS electricity fixed price investors Republic Srpska

Dodik: ERS to offer electricity at long-term fixed price to investors in Republic of Srpska

28 September 2022 - Serb leader in BiH Milorad Dodik said investors in the Republic of Srpska can get five-year PPAs from ERS at EUR 80 per MWh

Pollution coal plants Western Balkans extreme 2021

Pollution from coal plants in Western Balkans remains extreme in 2021

22 June 2022 - Coal-fired power plants in the Western Balkans were in breach of Energy Community pollution rules in 2021 for the fourth year in a row.

Republic of Srpska plans to build solar power plants on abandoned coal mines

Republic of Srpska plans to build solar power plants on abandoned coal mines

23 September 2021 - The Minister of Energy and Mining Petar Đokić has discussed the construction of solar power plants with the management of RiTE Ugljevik.


China pledges to stop building new coal power plants abroad

22 September 2021 - China, the biggest builder of coal-fired power plants in Balkan countries, is set to stop developing new coal power projects outside of its borders.

Locals activists coal plant Ugljevik 3 study clearly incomplete

Locals, activists say coal plant Ugljevik 3 study is clearly incomplete

01 September 2021 - Locals and environmentalists said the draft environmental study for Ugljevik 3 coal project is incomplete and that it doesn't reveal the real potential damage


Coal power stations in Western Balkans emit twice as much SO2 as EU plants

13 July 2021 - The Western Balkans’ 18 coal-fired power plants released twice as much sulfur dioxide in 2019 as all 221 such facilities in the EU.

Firms China Poland deal Ugljevik 3 coal plant BiH

Firms from China, Poland ink deal for Ugljevik 3 coal plant in BiH

30 June 2021 - Environmentalists demand Comsar's concession for coal plant Ugljevik 3 to be canceled following a construction deal between previously unknown firms

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