
Montenegrin government issues operating permit for Krnovo wind farm

08 September 2017 - The Montenegrin Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism issued an operating permit late in August...

Slovenia launches procedure to allocate incentives for electricity generation from renewables and CHP

07 September 2017 - Slovenian Energy Agency has published a public call for the selection of projects eligible to...

Less power from renewable sources in Slovenia in first half of 2017

10 August 2017 - Renewable source power facilities in Slovenia produced 5 percent less power in the first half...

Turkey opens tender for 1 GW in wind power over 15 years

19 April 2017 - Invitation for bids for the installation and operation of wind power capacity of 1 GW...

Republic of Srpska: Growing renewables share in energy mix

16 December 2016 - Ten new small hydropower and five solar plants in the Republic of Srpska to be...

Wood biomass subsidies in Croatia fiercely debated

12 December 2016 - A suspected lack of wood biomass for the renewable fuel facilities has triggered a tricky...

Macedonian government gives subsidies for solar thermal panels to households

22 November 2016 - Macedonia has granted subsidies for installation of the solar thermal panels to 620 households across the country...

European assistance for the residential energy efficiency projects in Croatia

05 November 2016 - The Croatian Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency (Fond za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku...

Probe finds holes, profiteering in green power subsidies

09 September 2016 - The Audit Office of the Republic of Cyprus recommended to the state authorities to stop...

Romania losing 100 million tonnes of waste per year

09 June 2016 - Agriculture is the biggest source of waste in Romania that could be turned to energy,...

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