08 September 2017 - The Montenegrin Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism issued an operating permit late in August...
07 September 2017 - Slovenian Energy Agency has published a public call for the selection of projects eligible to...
10 August 2017 - Renewable source power facilities in Slovenia produced 5 percent less power in the first half...
19 April 2017 - Invitation for bids for the installation and operation of wind power capacity of 1 GW...
16 December 2016 - Ten new small hydropower and five solar plants in the Republic of Srpska to be...
12 December 2016 - A suspected lack of wood biomass for the renewable fuel facilities has triggered a tricky...
22 November 2016 - Macedonia has granted subsidies for installation of the solar thermal panels to 620 households across the country...
05 November 2016 - The Croatian Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency (Fond za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku...
09 September 2016 - The Audit Office of the Republic of Cyprus recommended to the state authorities to stop...
09 June 2016 - Agriculture is the biggest source of waste in Romania that could be turned to energy,...