eds ceo biljana komnenic elektrodistribucija srbije

Biljana Komnenić takes helm of Serbia’s DSO

22 July 2024 - The Government of Serbia has dismissed the acting director of distribution system operator Elektrodistribucija Srbije, Bojan Atlagić

serbia dso eib loan smart meters elektrodistribucija srbije dubravka de groot

Serbia secures EUR 80 million to replace 400,000 smart electricity meters

22 July 2024 - Distribution system operator Elektrodistribucija Srbije and the European Investment Bank have signed an EUR 80 million loan agreement


Belgrade Energy Forum – energy transition in Southeast Europe is accelerating

13 May 2024 - The Western Balkans would gain a strategic advantage by joining the EU’s single electricity market, Energy Community Secretariat Director Artur Lorkowski said at the opening of BEF 2024


Montenegro on track to add 4 GW of solar and wind, seeks EU support for green steel roll-out

29 November 2023 - Montenegro's strategic goals include renewable energy, smart electricity metering, but also green steel production

Serbia DSO Elektrodistribucija Srbije smart meters energotehnika juzna backa ewg

Serbia’s DSO Elektrodistribucija Srbije selects suppliers for 470,000 smart meters

27 September 2023 - Elektrodistribucija Srbije (EDS) launched the procedure for the procurement and installation of 470,000 smart electricity meters in April

Central, Eastern Europe severely lagging in smart meters rollout

Central, Eastern Europe severely lagging in smart meters rollout

25 September 2023 - Smart meters are a vital part of the modern power grid, as they facilitate energy saving, demand response and numerous other applications

EU modernization fund Bulgaria Croatia Romania

EU pays out EUR 1.4 billion to Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania for green transition

09 June 2023 - The European Union's Modernization Fund has paid out EUR 2.4 billion for the seven member states, which is the joint largest disbursement

Serbia DSO Elektrodistribucija Srbije launches smart metering procurement

Serbia’s DSO Elektrodistribucija Srbije launches smart meter procurement

24 April 2023 - The deadline for bids to modernize the measuring infrastructure of the distribution system operator is May 3

EU allocates EUR 339 for clean energy, environment projects in Western Balkans

EU allocates EUR 339 million for clean energy, environment projects in Western Balkans

28 February 2022 - The European Commission has unveiled a EUR 3.2 billion investment package to support 21 transport, digital, climate and energy projects

smart meters serbia eds public call sasa stefanovic

Serbia’s DSO Elektrodistribucija Srbije announces smart metering rollout

16 November 2021 - Distribution system operator EDS will soon launch a public call for a consultant for the procurement of smart meters


EBRD signs EUR 40 million loan for Serbia’s smart metering roll-out

15 September 2021 - The EBRD is extending a EUR 40 million loan to help Serbia procure and deploy 205,000 smart electricity meters in three cities.

EBRD auctions number one tool renewable energy interview Matteo Colangeli

EBRD promotes auctions as number one tool for renewable energy growth

09 June 2021 - EBRD's Director for Western Balkans Matteo Colangeli says it is helping roll out renewable energy auctions and that it would fund decarbonization and bilateral power purchase agreements

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