
Eurelectric: Clean electrification and massive renewables rollout can drive Europe to net zero by 2050

22 June 2023 - Two of Eurelectric's three decarbonization “speedways” envisage climate neutrality by 2050, while the third targets 2040

Major hydrogen corridors to pass through Southeastern Europe

Major hydrogen corridors to pass through Southeastern Europe

24 April 2023 - All corridors outlined by the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance would be connected to Germany. One is through Southeastern Europe.

europe heat pump market 2022 record ehpa

Another record year for European heat pump market – sales soar 38%

22 February 2023 - Poland achieved the fastest expansion in Europe, 100%, followed by the Czech Republic's 99%. The Netherlands came in third, with 80%.

european commission hydrogen rules nuclear delegated acts

EU opens door for putting low-carbon label on hydrogen produced from nuclear power

16 February 2023 - The European Commission has unveiled a set of rules that could allow for hydrogen produced from nuclear energy to be considered green

green deal industrial plan EU-launches-subsidy-plan-protect-industry

EU launches subsidy plan to protect its green industry

02 February 2023 - The European Commission unveiled its Green Deal Industrial Plan to maintain competitiveness amid a rise net zero subsidies on a global scale

Slovenia speed up renewables deployment law siting solar wind power

Slovenia to speed up renewables deployment with law on siting solar, wind power plants

30 January 2023 - Slovenia presented a draft bill that is aimed at ramping up the wind and solar power uptake by regulating spatial planning issues

Bulgarian parliament NRSP plan energy coal CO2 reduction target

Bulgarian parliament tells government to abandon CO2 reduction target

13 January 2023 - The parliament has obliged the government to change the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in the section covering energy

euki call climate action

7th EUKI’s call for climate action project ideas is open – hurry up and apply

28 November 2022 - The European Climate Initiative (EUKI) has launched the seventh call to accelerate climate action in Europe

greece new 2030 renewables storage targets

Greece targets 80% from renewables by 2030 with 28 GW plus 7 GW storage

15 November 2022 - According to the Energy and Environment minister, Greece’s 2030 revised renewable energy goal is now...

EU accelerate renewables permitting cut environmental requirements

EU to accelerate renewables permitting, cut environmental requirements

10 November 2022 - The European Commission wants to cut red tape for renewables but it may lower environmental standards in the process


Greek government adopts stricter rules for connecting renewables to grid

13 October 2022 - The Greek government has set a new goal to let only serious and experienced investors keep renewables connection terms


The Hague hopes to keep buying Russian gas after EU sanctions deadline

26 August 2022 - The Hague seeks a temporary exemption from the EU’s sanctions against Russia as it struggles to find a replacement for Gazprom’s gas

waste to energy energy crisis vienna

Waste management sector can help Europe lower gas consumption

04 August 2022 - The sector conducts recycling and recovery operations and produces heat and energy through incineration and anaerobic digestion

EU energy ministers targets renewables energy efficiency

EU energy ministers aiming at more ambitious renewables, energy efficiency targets

28 June 2022 - The Council of the EU wants to boost the renewables and energy savings targets via the Fit-for-55 package, which depends on upcoming talks

repower eu croatia webinar

REPowerEU is “Russian roulette” for Europe’s energy

17 June 2022 - The arguments for both possible outcomes are strong, said Željko Lovrinčević, a senior research fellow at the Institute of Economics Zagreb

Bulgaria to install pilot floating solar, geothermal projects by end of year borislav sandov

Bulgaria works on renewables portfolio expansion, plans offshore wind, floating solar

07 June 2022 - The country intends to remove restrictions and simplify procedures for the deployment of renewables, deрuty Prime Minister Sandov said

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