22 June 2023 - Two of Eurelectric's three decarbonization “speedways” envisage climate neutrality by 2050, while the third targets 2040
24 April 2023 - All corridors outlined by the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance would be connected to Germany. One is through Southeastern Europe.
22 February 2023 - Poland achieved the fastest expansion in Europe, 100%, followed by the Czech Republic's 99%. The Netherlands came in third, with 80%.
16 February 2023 - The European Commission has unveiled a set of rules that could allow for hydrogen produced from nuclear energy to be considered green
02 February 2023 - The European Commission unveiled its Green Deal Industrial Plan to maintain competitiveness amid a rise net zero subsidies on a global scale
30 January 2023 - Slovenia presented a draft bill that is aimed at ramping up the wind and solar power uptake by regulating spatial planning issues
13 January 2023 - The parliament has obliged the government to change the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in the section covering energy
28 November 2022 - The European Climate Initiative (EUKI) has launched the seventh call to accelerate climate action in Europe
15 November 2022 - According to the Energy and Environment minister, Greece’s 2030 revised renewable energy goal is now...
10 November 2022 - The European Commission wants to cut red tape for renewables but it may lower environmental standards in the process
13 October 2022 - The Greek government has set a new goal to let only serious and experienced investors keep renewables connection terms
26 August 2022 - The Hague seeks a temporary exemption from the EU’s sanctions against Russia as it struggles to find a replacement for Gazprom’s gas
04 August 2022 - The sector conducts recycling and recovery operations and produces heat and energy through incineration and anaerobic digestion
28 June 2022 - The Council of the EU wants to boost the renewables and energy savings targets via the Fit-for-55 package, which depends on upcoming talks
17 June 2022 - The arguments for both possible outcomes are strong, said Željko Lovrinčević, a senior research fellow at the Institute of Economics Zagreb
07 June 2022 - The country intends to remove restrictions and simplify procedures for the deployment of renewables, deрuty Prime Minister Sandov said