16 March 2021 - Companies responded to a call for the development of solar power plants across Turkey with 9.6 times more bids than available lots
08 March 2021 - Fixed tariffs for green energy are obsolete and the obsession with coal can push BiH deeper into the past, says Janez Kopač from the Energy Community
28 January 2021 - Spain has secured lowest ever price for new wind energy in Europe, of EUR 20 per MWh, thanks to the Contract-for-Difference (CfD) model.
26 January 2021 - Draft law on renewable energy will be discussed by the wind industry and financial institutions at a round table on February 5.
22 January 2021 - Serbia’s draft law on renewable energy sources, which introduces auctions and prosumers, is up for public consultation until February 9.
19 January 2021 - Norway's NBT has partnered with WV International (formerly Windvision) in an 800 MW portfolio of wind projects in Serbia.
28 December 2020 - Albania is about to launch the first wind power auction for up to 130 MW in total and is preparing two more renewables auctions for 2021
03 December 2020 - Kosovo* is preparing to open renewable energy auctions in cooperation with the EBRD, and its National Energy and Climate Plan is almost finished
13 November 2020 - Five Greek engineering companies and three multinationals reportedly placed bids for the EPC contract for a 50 MW solar power plant in Megalopolis.
26 August 2020 - Portugal’s government accepted an unidentified project developer’s offer of EUR 11.4 per MWh for solar...
04 August 2020 - After winning the auction, French company Voltalia landed a 15-year fixed rate deal for half...
28 July 2020 - Households and companies in Greece may see a decline in electricity tariffs after the latest...
13 July 2020 - Renewable energy installations of a maximum of 500 kW and demonstration projects are the only...
13 July 2020 - Authors: Marija Mušec, Partner, and Šime Dujmović-Maruna, Associate at law firm Bardek, Lisac, Mušec, Skoko...
08 July 2020 - The segment for wind power systems of up to 50 MW in the upcoming auction...
28 May 2020 - At the country’s second auction for utility-scale photovoltaics, Voltalia offered to sell electricity for just...