Paris Agreement

Natural gas, nuclear energy remains part of EU taxonomy - NGOs to file lawsuit

Natural gas, nuclear energy remain part of EU taxonomy – NGOs to file lawsuit

06 July 2022 - The European Parliament rejected the motion to exclude investments in natural gas and nuclear energy from the sustainable finance taxonomy


US, China – top two carbon emitters – to cooperate on cutting emissions

11 November 2021 - China and the United States are seeking to close “a gap between the current effort and the Paris agreement goals.”

COP26 climate summit commitment most powerful countries

COP26 climate summit begins without firm commitment from most powerful countries

01 November 2021 - G20 increased the uncertainty about the outcome at COP26 with its weak joint statement on climate action goals and funding


World’s major cement and concrete makers pledge full decarbonization by 2050

14 October 2021 - The roadmap actions until 2030 will reduce the manufacturers' CO2 emissions by a quarter, according to the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA).

Turkey finally ratifies Paris Agreement rejects developed nation status

Turkey ratifies Paris Agreement but rejects developed nation status

08 October 2021 - Turkey's parliament ratified the Paris Agreement on climate change, so now only four signatory countries remain outside of the world treaty


Turkey set to ratify Paris Agreement before COP26 climate summit

06 October 2021 - Turkey's parliament is expected to approve a bill ratifying the Paris Agreement by the end of this month.

Most of bilateral financing done by China, Japan, US ended in overseas fossil fuels power plants

Most of bilateral financing of power plants from China, Japan, US went to fossil fuel projects

17 August 2021 - Between 2000-2018 three countries financed coal and gas power plants with installed capacity of 243 GW. 

paris agreement serbia albania ndc

Albania, Serbia among 81 Paris Agreement signatories that haven’t sent new emission cut targets

04 August 2021 - By the July 30 deadline, 110 parties to the Paris Agreement or 58% submitted new or updated nationally determined contributions or NDCs.


Vladimir Popović: rooftop solar helps factories hedge against electricity price hikes (VIDEO)

03 May 2021 - Manufacturers can protect their business from electricity price hikes by installing a solar power plant on the roof, says Energize general manager Vladimir Popović.

Zeronomics by Standard Chartered 55% of companies not on track to meet 2050 net-zero emissions goal

Zeronomics: 55% of companies not on track to net zero emissions in 2050

07 April 2021 - Research into the financing of a net zero world, with the participation of 350 business leaders, reveals a gulf between words and action.

Climate Change Law form or essence

Climate Change Law – form or essence

12 March 2021 - Climate change expert Danijela Božanić analyzes the Draft Climate Change Law, which the government adopted three years since the public consultation process ended

Serbia adopts bill on climate change

Serbia adopts bill on climate change

01 March 2021 - More than two and a half years after the public debate on the draft law on climate change has ended, the government has adopted the bill.


US poised for radical change on climate policy under President Biden

28 January 2021 - US President Joe Biden has ordered the new administration to review oil and gas projects on federal land, scrap fossil fuel subsidies, and replace the government’s vehicle fleet with electric cars.

carbon border tax timmermans

Carbon border tax needed to ensure “survival” of EU’s industry

20 January 2021 - The EU will introduce it on non-EU countries unless they commit to lowering their emissions, according to Frans Timmermans.

Germany international climate initiative small grants climate biodiversity

German International Climate Initiative offers EUR 60,000-100,000 grants for climate, biodiversity projects

06 January 2021 - The initiative has published Small Grants International Call for small and local organisations from 142 partner countries.

unep emissions gap report poorest richest share

World’s richest 1% cause two times more CO2 emissions than poorest 50%

18 December 2020 - The wealthiest 1% of people need to reduce their CO2 footprint by a factor of 30 to stay in line with the Paris Agreement targets, UNEP said.

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