nuclear power

Energy storage pillars Bulgaria s green recovery interview Dimitar Zwiatkow

Energy storage is among pillars of Bulgaria’s green recovery plan

09 August 2022 - All political parties in Bulgaria are determined to avoid breaching deadlines from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, says Dimitar Zwiatkow from law firm CMS Sofia

EU power gas prices smashing records drought EdF nuclear setback

EU power, gas prices smashing records amid drought, EdF’s nuclear plant setback

03 August 2022 - Low water levels in major rivers disturb the operation of nuclear power plants and the transportation of coal

Restarting retired nuclear plants in Germany technically feasible

TÜV’s Bühler: Restarting retired nuclear plants in Germany is technically feasible

01 August 2022 - Joachim Bühler from safety inspection operator TÜV says Germany can bring three closed nuclear plants back to life

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